Cant log in

Okay, I get that everyone is ready for SL to drop. The game isn’t ready, so they announce that the game will be delayed. (which is fine.) Sooooo, the pre-patch drops Tuesday, I don’t even play all day (not my first rodeo, fellas) and wait til 7pm the day AFTER the patch and the damn thing is still not working? I was logged on, game was laggy af but playable. Take a phone call, come back (like 5 mins later) and my character is logged out. Try to log back in, sticks on loading screen and returns ‘not found’. Completely exited the game and, restarted my system and still the same as before. (‘not found’)
My issue is- If the patch wasn’t ready either, then why release it? It is absolutely maddening. C’mon Bliz…Get it together. SMH


Had no toons on any server for the past 30ish minutes, characters all showed up now, but im getting the character not found after about 3/4 of the loading screen goes by.

It’s amazing, i go to get food. Come back dc’d and i’m back at the " character not found " boss from last night

Just wish my realm would even show up

im back to having no characters on any realm

means your realm is up/online

What’s really sad is that they did do a stress test!

Same, I made the mistake of switching characters and now No characters found or the infamous Realm is down.

yeah thats the problem, “A” stress test lol. Like he said, cant anticipate live traffic in a test environment, shouldve at least done a couple stress tests to get more accumulated data instead of putting all their hope into a single Test to stress us all

I’ve been playing since Cata, and I’ve honestly never experienced it being this bad. Bugs present, sure. Long Cues and crashes? sure.

But I’ve never actually been completely unable to even log into the game itself!

happen a few years ago, i think they even gave a mount for it,

As Soulstone mentioned the issue with a stress test is that it will never quite replicate live traffic.

What they could do is move to a hyper-microserviced environment (think Amazon - why do you think they never crash, like as in ever)

However, that is unbelievably expensive to do and ultimately not worth it (for companies like Amazon it is). They’ll take a few days of live hits and move on with their lives. You can’t hate on the play really

Got to selection, but its the age old character not found bug

troll haha lol lol

Just posted to the wrong thread, that’s all

Was working fine all day but i went to go level a rouge goblin in the exile’s reach area and my game crashed and now i have this thing. To be expected tbh. Its at night and everyone is rushing the servers after work. people forget 7billion is alot.

got into world hope the rest of you do too :slight_smile: