Can't log in

Anyone else can’t log in? Characters don’t show up on servers as well.


I’ll be home in a little over an hour. Make sure this is fixed by that time. Okthanks :nail_care:


They’re “working on it.”

Days of “launch bugs” and all. Typically of a small, indie company like Blizzard.


They know and are trying to fix it. Hang in there!

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Me too. I was stuck on the “retrieving realm list” bit until I hit cancel, and THEN the message showed up…

We are looking into issues that players are experiencing when attempting to login, use the Auction House or access Crafting Orders.

When I was logged in earlier the AH was down, so I logged out and now can’t get back in.

EDIT: Login works, but the AH is still borked. Internal auction house errors abound!

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Hey Hi !! Just because I saw people on another post reply that 2 min after posting on the forum they could login magically so trying the same ! I raise my hand for the same issue, thank you for lhelping me in on my toon ahah

I’m on it.


Worked tyvm It was really fast

my toons are down as well

Same. Cant log in

Just gonna try this to see if it’s true. Would be so funny if it is and kinda odd.

I was able to log in about an hour ago, but when I tried putting something on the auction house about 10 minutes ago, got stuck and had to close every thing out and now it’s stuck connecting to the realm list for 8 minutes straight.

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Haven’t been able to login since Maintenance.

cant get my character list to load from kel’thuzad

I’m currently stuck in a Delve with an empty Breath meter. :smiley:

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see what the poors did!

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and if for some reason you can log in, there is no mobs or anything in some zones, I can do dungeons but im stuck not being able to do world content

cant log in, also when i do it sends me to a blank server with no toons on it!! game play has been laggy for a long time as well. i feel they should be paying us to play on the crap servers right now. not us paying them!

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all these years and the same issues every time an expansion comes out. Maybe stop taking the game down during the week and wait until Tuesday so that at least people only get screwed one day a week?

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I agree with that, it probably would have been better. Maybe they thought it’d be quick fix. Imo, they may revert the changes if they can’t get things running quick enough. They do have failsafe versions just in case.