Can't log in to specific character

When I try to log in to one of my toons, I get an error that says: “A character with that name already exists.” Then the game spits me back out to the character select screen. No other toons are impacted.

This happened after I had to use Task Manager to close the game while logged on to that specific character. I was able to move that character around but not interact with NPCs, items in my inventory or even log out. Now I’m locked out of that toon.

EDIT: I was just now able to log in to that toon after several minutes.


Having the same problem. Also was in a group earlier and we were all dealing with major bugs.

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I have the same issue!!!

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having the same problem while im in a raid. now im not able to get in. great job blizzard just amazing work

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I had same issue and log in back in ~5 mins. Then the interesting thing happend! Raid team which had 2/3/9, now only have me and 2 offline characters. I guess a lot of players have same issue

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+1 here, same issue

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