Can't Log In! (HELP!)

Unhappy Comcast customer reporting in.

A little strange that, as far as I can tell, just about everything but Blizzard-related stuff works just fine.


comcast arkansas

just ran a pathping to central wow servers and showing 100% packet loss at these node:

ae1-br01-eqdc2.as57976 .net []
et-0-0-2-br01-eqch2.as57976 .net []
chi-eqch2-ia-bons-02.as57976 .net []

If you guys wanna check for yourselves go here blizzard has a page to show you how to do it

I can also confirm Alabama Comcast couldn’t log in but was able to when I turned on VPN

Same, hearthing out of an instance, can’t get anywhere but Boralus. XFinity Florida.

How do you check? The page I tried was part of battle net and wouldn’t load.

yeeaaaaahh xfinity florida

Attempted contact with Xfinity customer service. They’re most likely aware of the situation. It’s definitely on the side of the ISP not blizzard. They are not allowing routing to blizzard servers.

Same here after being glitched and kicked out of Mythic + bc of it now it says I cant log in bc the world server is down? Kentucky here

Similar issue, had world server down messages in Kalimdor even tho other characters had no issue in Kalimdor. Xfinity / Houston.

Turned on VPN and presto! everything works fine, character logs in without issue.

I don’t understand how it’s a comcast issue if everything else online works. I stopped trying to get on WoW and went to play a different MMO (ESO) with no issues, I can also watch any youtube video and amazon prime movies are working?

Different servers to be routed to, sir. It’s not a coincidence that everyone here is using Xfinity.

I don’t understand how it’s a comcast issue if everything else online works. I stopped trying to get on WoW and went to play a different MMO (ESO) with no issues, I can also watch any youtube video and amazon prime movies are working?

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Everything else seems to work fine, in fact we are all posting here. Just seems we can’t get to the battle dot net servers. Obviously it’s a conspiracy. Or someone tripped over a power cord =p Seems I’ll have to play something else tonight.

edit: fix your damn forums. a hostname is not a link.

A little strange to me that there’s been no word from Blizzard so far about this issue.

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I don’t know what any of that means and have no clue what you just posted but I’ll believe you… I guess all I can do is hope it’ll be fixed soon.

Doesn’t make sense…friends of mine about a mile down the road, also have Comcast, on the same realm, same router as mine, and they have no issues. WTH?

maybe blizz can call comcast for us

Same, I was fine until I zoned. VPN is the only way in right now once your off it seems.

Yeah, just adding my 2 cp. Can’t log in, East Coast, Comcast (Xfinity). “World Server Down” was the message I got when I tried to log my toon into Boralus. I was able to log in a toon in Dalaran, but none of the ports work for me. “Instance not found”.

This forum is not manned by Blizzard employees 24/7. It’s also almost midnight at HQ. Dunno about you, but I don’t like the idea of working at midnight unless it’s the graveyard shift.

Only people working around the clock are server techs and they don’t post on the forums.