Can't leave The Skyfire during MoP Remix Intro

Same I just started Remix today, due to IRL, although for me I was literally killing the sha mobs, for quest and got ported back up, and stuck in the loop

RIGHT below the skyship, is a glitched area that WILL teleport you back to the ship. You CAN fly… or use the cogwheel to propel back down. it IS a glitch/bug you can report it as a bug since it SHOULDN"T do that but the workaround is to just not Kill anything under or near the skyships.

I completed the whole gyrocopter scenario and had started clearing the warwagons when I got ported back up and now can’t leave. I’ve tried my regular mount and my dragonriding mounts both with the same effect. Going to delete the toon and start over I guess. This hasn’t happened to any of my other remix toons.

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Just had this happen to me too (7th remix toon - 6 others, plus multiple non-remix toons have gone through the intro with no issues). I wasn’t trying to skip anything - I was working through the initial quests (killing Horde and blowing up wagons).

What triggered it was going too close to the area underneath the Skyfire (taking the left-hand path through a little dip down to the beach where a bunch of gear-greasers hang out).

Flying down too steeply just teleported me back again, but flying straight out worked (I went off the side, due east), then down once I was away from the airship.

so i found a way to get out of the bug do dungeons till you get a meteor lunch item then while on the airship use the item it break the bug and then enable you to do the campaign

Just happened to me. This worked a charm. Thanks, mate.

I’ve started 4 new characters and have experienced the same glitch. I submitted a bug report.

I just had this happen to me after doing all the intro quests, was heading back and ran over the pad accidentally. There was no way to disembark the ship, no teleport pad and jumping and/or flying did not work. I had to fly off the front of the ship to get it out.

For anyone still experiencing this issue I mounted and flew straight up, it finally let me fly back to the questing area.

I got caught with this bug too and I just grabbed a summon stone out of my toys and it ported me to Pawdon Village. Hope this helps!

any time i go near the skyfire i get ported on to it. I cannot even go under it to kill any quest enemies there when there is high demand and no other mobs.

Do the first couple quests and get away from it and you will be fine.

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If you get bugged…
Mount flying mount, fly straight up a bit…dismount, die upon slamming into the deck of the ship

Rez in village continue on your journey

Glitch has happened twice to me and ive just suicided both times with no ill issues

Absolutely worked! Your a genius, I almost deleted my toon to start over!

This happened to me on an alt. It was super annoying. Dragonflying was the only thing that worked.

It has happened to 5 out of six characters for me, only first character had no issues.

happened to 1 out of 2 alliance. I was going to say 1 out of 7 then realized the rest were horde (trying to complete heritage armor collection)

I read the comments and stayed yards away from under Skyfire

Still being ported back to the skyfire.

Use a standard mount. Not your dragon.

For my part I just hopped on the mount that it pre-selected and put on my bar, and flew to Paw’don Village. Thanks to those who posted before for the solution.

If this happens to you dont fly down, fly out to towards the middle of the land mass then down.