I can’t reinstall WoW. The only reason why I uninstalled it in the first place was due to a bug where both WoW Classic and normal WoW wouldn’t install/patch, and would instead be caught in a loop of initializing the update, reclaiming disc space, then saying that they were waiting for other updates, and then going back in the loop, forever. It does the same thing when I try to reinstall it. Help?
Hey there! Thank you for reaching out, as it can understandably be frustrating to have a technical issue occur when simply trying to enjoy your gaming time. Install/update issues can have a variety of potential causes ranging from corrupted local files to a network-related problem. Try the following to narrow this down further:
Fully update or temporarily uninstall security programs which may be interfering with the patching or installation process. More information on troubleshooting security applications here, if curious.
Test an alternate network such as a mobile hotspot to determine whether the problem is isolated to your current network.
If you have no luck, please run a WinMTR network test so that we can further investigate the problem. Here are the instructions:
Start the test and launch the Battle.net Desktop App. Attempt the install or update while the winMTR tool is running.
After recording data for about 5 minutes, click “export text” and save the winMTR file in an easy to find location.
Once you have that made, open the file. You’ll need to copy and paste the contents of the Text document into the post, and put four Tilde (~) marks above the winMTR. It’ll look like this:
WinMTR goes here
If you have issues pasting here, please use Pastebin and post the link (ex: Pastebin (dot) com/123456).
Editing doesn’t provide a notification on the thread, did this may not be noticed for a bit.
It doesn’t look like there’s an issue from this report, but it wasn’t run to the ip addresses that blizzard wants you to use for this test.
Try the correct one from the list below
Region IP Address
The Americas (US West) (US Central)
No issues in either test. You may need to change your DNS if the one your ISP assigns automatically is having a problem. An alternate network, like VPN or hotspot, would also help. If not, then you’re looking at another app, like security, blocking the action on the PC. But it’s for certain the problem is with the machine or local network.
I’m not sure if this will help you, but it’s worth a try.
I was having the exact same issue you are having. I have actually been having this issue on and off for months now. A couple times before, a reinstall of the battle.net app corrected the issue. This time, that didn’t help. I reinstalled battle.net and I was still stuck in an endless loop of updates just like you.
I’m not sure how many games you have through the app, but here’s what fixed my issue. Maybe this will help others. I have a number of games installed from the app. Shadowlands, Diablo 3, WoW Classic, TBC Classic, PTR’s for WoW, beta for the new Classic servers coming up, etc.
I was trying to just download the patch for the Classic beta. It kept saying it was finished and playable. It would then start an update of another one of my games or clients. I would try to launch the beta and kept getting a message telling me that there was an updated version of the game. Long story short, since I haven’t played any Blizzard games in weeks, there were a number of patches for numerous games, PTR’s, etc. I finally decided to let the client patch all of my games and clients, even the PTR’s. Once I did that, I can now login to any of my clients and games.
TLDR: I had the exact same issue. Make sure you are allowing all clients to fully patch before attempting to launch a game. Realistically, we should be able to launch other games and just pause downloads of others. I have done this for years. But something has changed lately and I now have to patch all clients or none of my games will launch.