Can't Ignore Private Profiles

This seems like a very easy way to get around being ignored for people who like to harass others. I shouldn’t have the ability to ignore only people with public profiles.

Please fix.

While this thread is 2.5 years old, it was the top result for similar posts when I went to create a new one – and the overall annoyance of not being able to easily ignore someone who hides their profile still exists.

I know there is an alternate way to ignore people (character menu->preferences tab->preferences->users->add…), but that is needlessly complex – and forces me to memorize some character name I rather forget about. Keep the ignore dropdown on hidden profiles please.

This is a common “feature” of all forums based on the third-party Discourse system. Blizzard has limited control of basic behavior of someone else’s software, so I would recommend getting used to the convoluted workaround that’s available.

Oh, I use it when I have to. I just complain every time I do.

And even if this is a “feature,” that can always be changed, especially if enough players complain about it that Blizzard brings the request to whatever or whoever this Discourse is (or Blizz can just scrap these forums and start fresh again with something new as I have had more problem with these forums than any of their prior iterations).