Can't have Professions and AH open at the same time for quick linking to buy and sell

As someone who plays the Auction House daily, this change is even worse than the UI changes, which I absolutely hate. I can no longer have the Professions window and the AH window open at the same time for quick linking to buy and sell. The only workaround I have found, is to link all the items from my Professions into Guild chat, and then shift click the items from Guild chat into the AH to check prices on each potion/elixir/food, etc before creating/crafting them. Has anyone found a better way?? Please share.


Has this been fixed?

Do you mean has Blizzard ripped out the entire talent/profession system and put the old one back so you can click less to farm the AH?

Ah, no.

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I checked your forum activity and it looks like youā€™re a professional troller, who spends his days writing/responding to hundreds of posts, using the same level of sarcasm. I have a pretty good guess what you look like hiding behind that screenā€¦


Hahah. ā€œHundreds of postsā€.

I respond with sarcasm and derision when itā€™s appropriate, as it was here.

I also give out my BattleTag regularly and speak voice to voice with many people who are here actually looking for help rather than just whining.

2 posts? Hahaha.


Iā€™ve got nothing to hide.

There is nothing to fix. New DF professions have a larger UI for extra optional reagents, crafting stats, rank bar and specialization system.

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Itā€™s like the person who designed the Professions UI has never played WoW, or at least never done anything with professions.

There are basically two things people use professions for in WoW.
Making gold on the AH, which absolutely requires you to be able to see the AH and the professions UI at the same time. The idea that you are going to try to price out the value of a complicated recipe by opening the Prof UI, remembering the first ingredient, opening the AH, manually searching on that ingredient, writing down the cost, opening back up the Prof UI, finding the recipe again because it forgets where you were, remembering the second ingredient, etc OMG.

Or, leveling up the skills for personal satisfaction! Seeing all those little blue bars get fullā€¦ but now even if they fix the ridiculous bug where the blue bars are shown full regardless of progress, there is no way to see all the blue bars at once and even seeing them one at a time requires a painful amount of menu traversing. Rather than just a single tab switch to see which unknown recipes you need to collect you have more menu traversing and again no way to see multiple expansions at once.

Obviously players will persist and adapt. But any attempt to suggest this isnā€™t a disaster is pathetic brown-nosing and getting troll jollies off peopleā€™s genuine distress.


considering that they appear to play the AH and want to continue doing that, and asked how to continue doing that then where is the ā€œjustā€ whining?

they have a proper grievance - it used to work, now it doesnt - they are asking for help on how to make it work (along with a fairly mild level of complaining considering).

you may not like players that just play the AH but who cares, we dont even know if thats all this player does.

hypocrite and troll appear to be appropriate under the circumstances. so how about proving me wrong and actually being helpful and not just virtue signalling that you are.


This may be limited by resolution, but if I crank the scale to its minimum 65% Iā€™m able to get both windows on the screen at once.


Itā€™s not that I donā€™t like them. Itā€™s that this whole, ā€œOh, itā€™s different now, Iā€™m gonna dieā€ whining is just getting out of hand.

This is a role playing game. Yes, there are other features at play and things that folks like to do other than that, but ripping out the new system so a few players who want to do that is ridiculous.

they made no mention of ripping it out. they only asked how to fix it. so whos being ridiculous.

Gellos reply about the interface scaling would probably be a good workaround for them, and anyone else that uses the AH with their profession a lot.


I suppose thatā€™s technically true, but with the current typhoon of ā€œPut it back the way it was! New is badā€ and the edge-case nature of this particular issue as far as mainstream play goes, itā€™s a little closer to ā€œrip it outā€ than anything else, particularly with the edit since the original post.

Iā€™ve got to start copying posts before I reply.

This is not edge case. Anyone who ever wants to craft something and needs to buy stuff off the AH to do it gets use from being able to shift click mats from the profession pane into the AH search bar.

The new UI has some serious issues both in function and in bugs. Please stop minimizing peopleā€™s feelings about that. If you donā€™t have a solution/suggestion for someoneā€™s issue, it is okay to just move on and not post on the topic.


ā€œAdapt to the new systemā€ is a solution.

Seriously, less than a day in there were more than 200 ā€˜I hate it postsā€™ - these posts are far more about ā€œChange is bad, regardlessā€ than actual requests for help.

90% of virtually every one of them is pre-emptive explanations to attempt to shut down the ā€œGet over itā€ responses, about 5% ā€œPut it back the way it wasā€ demands, and 5% ā€œIs there a way to get around this without installing uber-evil addons.ā€

Itā€™s exhausting.

The community seems to be mostly composed of Luddite whiners who (for the last decade and a half) ask for things (as a whole) and then complain when they get them but not exactly how they, personally, wanted.

Me? I keep a stack of 3x5 cards by my desk for all sorts of ā€œI need this bit of information and I know it wonā€™t be available when Iā€™m where I am in the UI when I need to apply it.ā€

Problem solved, seriously.

If you must have them open at the same time you could also just install DeModal.

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it is - but only if you tell them how to adapt - which you dont.

so you arent being helpful in any way.

when you generalise that broadly you stop looking to actually help and just want to tell everyone to stop whining - even if they arent. youre going in with some very hard bias.

the thing is they arent all like that, and this one isnt. so stop saying thats why youre an unhappy muppet that likes to spout random angry crap at people.

<< insert image of old man shouting angrily at cloud in sky >>

find some happy posts to post on and stop crapping on people for no reason.


I have, many times, and I did in that last post.


The problem is that they want the DEFAULT UI to cater to their needs, the needs of a cadre of folks who are focused on things that are not the mainline events in the game.

AH warriors are fine. I have no problem with them at all. I have a problem with the folks who want the game focused on THEIR aspect of it at the expense of the rest of the gamers. There are far more important things that need to be addressed than UI tweaks and development resource allocation is a zero-sum game.

I have a problem with the folks who are given (directly or indirectly) the very good advice of loading a well-established addon to solve their problem but have express an utterly irrational refusal to use addons.

As to my subjective appraisal of the posters in the recent FLOOD of whining, you missed two qualifications there.

  1. The use of the word ā€œseemsā€ is an explicit indicator that Iā€™m talking about perception, not fact. Thereā€™s no claim that this is literally a factual statement, only that the preponderance of anecdotal observation is that this appears to be true.
  2. The use of the word ā€œmostlyā€ is an explicit qualification that removes the ā€œallā€ implication that would be there if I had left it out.

Why is it that the Luddites can be unhappy muppets and whine and complain and cry about the one unchanging constant of the universe - that things change, but I canā€™t be one and complain about them?

Double-standard much there, Ark?

Youā€™re also ignoring the fact that I routinely give my BT and offer to help folks who are actually looking for help rather than using the gamer equivalent of a ā€œpush pollā€ post which is 90% complaining, 5% wishing for something thatā€™s never going happen, and 5% ā€œOh, and I could use some help with this.ā€

I just spent 3 1/2 hours working with a player two nights ago unscrewing the mess some of the rapid-update releases of a few addons had made of their game. I was up until 1:30 am my time (with a normal ā€œI turn into a pumpkinā€ time of around 11 pm).

Kaldara#11970 - I donā€™t like to hide behind internet anonymity and thatā€™s as much information as Iā€™m allowed to post. Anyone needs help, hit me up and Iā€™ll do what I can if Iā€™m not actively in a run somewhere.

I give my time and effort to folks all the time.

I do it at a personal, one-on-one level that Iā€™ve frankly never seen even offered by anyone else in this forum.

I do care about people, but I have little tolerance for Luddite whining.

There are answers for this.

If you donā€™t like notecards, create a text document with your mats listed and cut and paste from there to the AH.

The solution requested in most cases is, ā€œI want this to be part of the default gameā€ - when thereā€™s a perfectly reasonable workaround available - maybe more than one of them.

Also, itā€™s observational bias that Iā€™m ā€œā€¦not being helpfulā€¦ā€ because there may be folks out there who read my posts and tell themselves, ā€œHeā€™s right. I just need to get used to thisā€ but they arenā€™t as likely to post that epiphany. Youā€™re only seeing the folks who ignore my advice.

How do we mute this troll?

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Go to your forum profile (click your portrait and choose activity to get to forum profile vs armory profile), where you see Summary/Activity/Notifications/Preferences. Go to Preferences and then Users on left sidebar. Then there may be an Ignored section with a blue Add button to ignore a user. I read somewhere this requires a certain trust level so Iā€™m not sure if itā€™s available to everyone.


Tyvm, it worked!