Can't get train in first aid

been to all the trainer for first aid, none can train for silk bandages,
alliance, rogue 42.
I am at 150-150 in first aid

I believe you have to do the triage questline now. I think you get it from the ironforge first aid trainer thatll bring you to theramore and you’ll have to do the 15 patient first aid challenge

There are also first aid recipes you can buy from the AH

menethil harbor is where the trainer is if I remember.

or theramore, it’s not in IF or SW though one of the cities that you take a boat to.

Try paying attention to what the trainer says.

Also…if you have 150 first aid skill, yes they can train you in silk bandages.

(The other two people are telling you how to get Artisan skill, not Expert. But actually doing what the trainer says will give you Expert skill.)

You need the book from Arathi. At 225 you get the triage quest.


Buy the book from arathi highlands at the castle (or just buy the manual off the AH). that gives you 150-225 skill. And yes, to be able to get the 225-300 quest, you need to be lvl 35+ AND already be at 225 skill. I went there with about 220 and the quest wasn’t there.

Come to hammerfell for some real good training in first aid…:smirk:

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Thank You , I had for got about that guy:)

Any First Aid trainer can teach normal (light) Silk Bandages at 150.

To get higher than 150, you need to purchase the book “Expert First Aid – Under Wraps”, either from an auction house of from Balai Lok’Wein at Brackenwall Village in Dustwalow Marsh. That book will change your “max” from 150 to 225.

Then to get Heavy Silk (at 180) purchase the book “Manual: Heavy Silk Bandage”. There is another book “Manual: Mageweave Bandage” which you can use at 210.

To go above 225 in skill, you have to get the Horde Trauma quest, which leads to the Triage quest in Arathi Highlands (Doctor Gregory Victor at Hammerfall). The Triage quest is an actual timed quest. If you succeed the good doctor will reward you by increasing your max level to 300. He also sells recipes for some of the higher quests.

He’s gonna have a tough time doing all of this as an Alliance character.

This Guide is very helpful, for First Aid:

Learn the Silk Bandage recipe from your trainer before you leave!
Go and find (Alliance) Deneb Walker ( in Arathi Highlands or (Horde) Balai Lok’Wein ( in Dustwallow Marsh and buy the following three books: “Expert First Aid - Under Wraps” (, "Manual: Heavy Silk Bandage "( and “Manual: Mageweave Bandage” ( If you are low level then you might just want to buy the book at the Auction House instead of wasting lots of time running to the vendor.

Right-click on the “Expert First Aid - Under Wraps” ( in your bag, then you can continue making Silk Bandages. (you have to go back and visit your first aid trainer if you didn’t learn the Silk Bandage recipe)

Triage Quest for Artisan First Aid

Upon reaching a First Aid skill of 225 and level 35, you can start the “Alliance Trauma” ( / “Horde Trauma” ( quest (optional). These quests will lead you to “Alliance Triage” ( / “Horde Triage” ( in Arathi Highlands or Dustwallow Marsh. The reward for completing the Triage quest is “Artisan First Aid”.

You can find (Alliance) Doctor Gustaf VanHowzen ( in Dustwallow Marsh at Theramore Isle. He is inside the main keep outside of which all the guards are practicing, NOT the giant tower. Go inside and hook a right, then a left and he’s in that corner room. (Horde) Doctor Gregory Victor ( is in Arathi Highlands at Hammerfall, walk in and turn left. He’s inside the building to the left just past the entrance.

It is a good idea to bring everything you need in order to skill up to 290, as you will need to learn several recipes later from the quest giver NPCs (Alliance) Doctor Gustaf VanHowzen ( / (Horde) Doctor Gregory Victor (, so bring around 100 Mageweave Cloth and 70 Runecloth with you.

Some tips to make the quest easier

  • Press CTRL + V to activate the health bar over the heads of the patients for easy health monitoring or tick “Show NPC names” in Interface Options.
  • Pull your camera out to third person so you can see as much of the room as possible.
  • Put the triage bandages the doctor gave you in your action bar. Do not use your own. You can also bind it to any key.
  • Position yourself in the middle of the room.
  • When you see another patient, left-click on them to pre-select them and as soon as your current heal has finished click the bandages in your action bar and the pre-selected one will begin to heal. Saves valuable seconds this way.
  • Make sure you have about 10 minutes of spare time to do this with no interruptions.
  • Once you saved 15, turn in the quest immediately. I failed it on my druid because I waited, and 6 patients died while I waited which turned ‘completed’ to ‘failed’.
  • You may fail a few times, but don’t give up! You’ll get it down.
  • If you still can’t finish this, team up with someone else who needs the quest and do it at the same time. A two-person team still only has to save 15 patients in total, which is much easier. :slight_smile:

Undead patient --> Critically Injured - Critically injured patients will die after you heal 2 other patients.
Troll patient --> Badly Injured - Badly injured patients will die after you heal 4 other patients.
Orc patient --> Injured - Injured patients have a long time before they die.

Just using that basic knowledge you can prioritize which ones to heal first and next, however just start from the left, and then continue doing them all, they usually won’t die before you have finished your round. I did it this way and completed it the first time around.

Check out the rest of the site, to help you with other Professions, in Classic:

Stromgarde Keep, Arathi Highlands, perfectly safe for an Ally, walk in, first right, next right, next right, vendor, is the Ally equivalent to the Horde one in dustwallow marsh