Cant get to Zuldazar on a 60 boost

Bought a 60 boost and I’m finding out that I can’t get to Zuldazar or any other part of Zandalar. When you go to the boat in Kul Tiras Grand Admiral Jes-Tereth nor Halford offer a quest/prompt to be able to travel over there.

The only quest being offered on the boat is from Shaw and its for BFA’s against overwhelming odds, not anything else. I’ve traveled a bit around Kul Tiras to see if I missed anything but nothings turned up.

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Have you relogged since you boosted that character?

You could also check to make sure Chromie Time isn’t messing something up.

Yeah. I boosted the character around midnight and then logged to get some sleep. I found it out after a few more minutes of waking up.

Turns out you have to do the entire introduction to Kul Tiras to be able to go to Zandalar. Makes zero sense when you can already go to Kul Tiras from the mage tower. Things I’ll do for a cool pet tame lol


hmm, you mean the tour of the city, or the whole Jaina/Flynn prison scenario?

You should be able to skip the latter from the docks in Stormwind.


Mostly the tour of the city. You have to get up to picking a zone in Kul Tiras/accepting the ferry pass before it will let you get a quest from Wyrmbane to go to Zandalar.


Ah, cool. At least you figured it out.


Theres like a quest from Mathias Shaw that seems to be a common roadblock.


you can’t go to zandalar if you didnt do the quests that dude on the boat gives you that makes you play espionage for a bit in a few areas to pick off horde.

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Where do I start it at?

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That questline starts in Stormwind with you attending a war council in the castle. From there you’ll get sent to Jaina on the docks, where you can skip the long intro scenario if you’ve done it on that account. After that, you’ll take a tour of Boralus with Taelia and wind up in the Harbormaster’s office. After you get to the point where you can interact with the map on the wall behind Taelia and pick a zone, you should be able to talk to Wyrmbane on the ship to start unlocking the Zandalar landing points.

I just made a fresh 60 boosted character and am having this same issue. I went all over the Stormwind Keep like you said to get a quest about attending a war council but have yet to find it. Do you know where / who gives the quest to start this whole process?

The questline should start at an NPC standing near to the Hero’s Call Board next to the auction house. The one by the front entrance, not near Chromie’s hourglass.

Just want to clear this up for anyone reading in the future who encounters this. If you you do not have the quest “A Dying World” the first place I advise you to check is the earthen guardian npc in boralus. He will give you the quest if you aren’t seeing the npcs mentioned in the conventional route.

Once you get that quest, continue with the quest line and eventually the boat mentioned previously in boralus will allow you to get to zandalar. All other comments information is still correct.

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