Can't get past mythic siegecrafter blackfuse

Since 9.1.5 I’m noticing some weird behaviour on Siegecrafter blackfuse trash, the crawler mine marks you but don’t move, sometimes the trash reset and spawn again after a few seconds, then i kill the second group, trash didn’t reset pm Shana and got stuck.
Will try again tomorrow to see if the trash reset.


still bugged for me also…

I’ve been able to complete it. It’s done this bug to me too. You have to wait for the trash to respawn and just kill them again, it’s some intermittent despawn/reset bug.

Additionally, using one of the raid exit portals from inside siege of orgrimmar is bugged. You’ll be teleported underneath the map of pandaria, as apparently the coordinates it uses are from pre-BFA, but uses them on the post-BFA revamped map.

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Update: Reduced this bug

While waiting on GMs to figure out what’s going on with my mailbox and auction house stuff, I decided to run a bunch of legacy raids today, including SoO (from start to finish on Mythic). Spent quite a bit of time fuzzing this raid as a result.

Do NOT attack the bomb adds. Doing so is what bricks the SoO run. Ignore them at all costs. If you attack them you will have to exit SoO and reset the instance to unbrick it. Dying or resetting mobs inside is not enough.

Additionally, Paragons of the Klaxxi is flaky as well. It has an intermittent boss reset issue depending on how fast you kill each of the sub-bosses.

So this is like three really bad bugs so far:

  1. Walking through some of the in-raid exit portals will teleport you under the map of Pandaria. Clearly wasn’t updated for the BFA revamped maps.

  2. Siegecrafter Blackfuse pre-boss trash has bugged coding, causing the raid to hardlock if you don’t ignore the bomb adds. This is on top of the trash other than the bombs being flaky intermittent with resetting themselves as well.

  3. Paragon of Klaxxi having some flaky random reset issue.

I almost want to recommend Blizzard to disable SoO until they get a dev to run a coderot fixup pass on it.


Ok, so I recorded a few days ago the raid teleport bug.

The teleporter out of raid after you beat Malkorak definitely teleports you under the map of Pandaria…

The bugged TP:

What it should look like:

It appears the raid entrance’s exiting works as intended, it’s just the raid portal halfway through raid that’s bugged.

This is also stuck for me. I killed the trash, and now I keep getting the crawler mines targeting me, and I’m unable to jump through the tubes to the boss.
I’ve tried getting the mines to explode, letting myself die, leaving the instance and coming back and trying to reset the instance.


Do NOT attack the bomb adds.
Do NOT aggro the bomb adds.

You have to never target them and pretend they don’t exist. If you even remotely touch them the raid will hardlock.

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this is still happening. can you please fix this Blizz, you’ve been told about the bug months ago at this point. just get rid of those bloody mines if they’re bugging out causing people to be unable to continue


The same thing kept happening to me. So what I did was I’d run off the edge and die the moment the 2nd group would despawn. I wait 15-30secs and the groups respawn w/o the weird bomblings glitched. If it happens with the 3rd group, do the same thing. Worked for me. Hope this helps.

This just started happening to me today. I’ve successfully clear SoO with little issue (sometimes Klaxxi Council resets) but now I’m hard-stopped at Siegecrafter. So annoying…

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Is this going to ever get fixed? Opened a new ticket about it :man_facepalming:

This is still an issue surprised they have known about it since at least dec 21 and still not fixed… happened today for me, and considering running a plate class is super slow and takes 40 minutes to get here big waste of time


Ran into this bug today. After taming Thok on my hunter, I cannot proceed to kill Blackfuse because the bombs bug out. :frowning:

eta: I’m on NORMAL SoO but this seems to be an issue that happens regardless of difficulty.

only way i found to get pass the issue is dont aoe the waves, just single target them and ignore the bombs just kill the waves and it should work

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Congratulations Blizzard. This post is making aniversary and you simply don’t care about the bug.

Here I am stuck on this massive time eater dungeon and all because you guys just don’t care ffs


Lol I just realised I wasted an hour of my day because I got soft locked into a bug that has been reported almost a year ago, very good job on the small indie company


It is old content. So unless it is game-crashing or 100% unavoidable, they won’t touch it.
I am currently doing mythic runs of SoO with all my characters. My warlock and mage both suffered from this bug
And even if you leave the mine crawlers alone, when they target you and disappear, that triggers the bug as well.

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I’m in here right now and I’m having the issue as well. Blizzard, come on now fix this! It’s been almost a year! There isn’t even a reply form them on here. So sad.

Still bugged 12/16/2022

Still bugged as of Febraury 10th, 2023