Can't get Netherwhelp pet?

Was this a pet from the original CE? If so, it is locked to Expanded. They said when they announced WoW Classic that the two games would be completely, totally separate & that nothing done/earned in one would translate in any way to the other.

who cares we want honor fix


Nah, you can get it in TBC Classic. I know…because I did.

OP, do you have multiple WoW accounts on your account? Because it only works to whichever one had the CE attached to it.


There’s been another discussion about this but basically if you made a new acc since they won’t give him to you on the account and the devs tied supports hands in helping transfer your old key to a current account. Really feels like a huge slap in the face for long time players who may have done this not allowing them to use the guy in the only rerelease of tbc

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While all the other things from the store seems to be account wide the CE pets are aparantly limited to the WoW account that has the key attached like it was back in the day. This might change once we get the pet/mount UI in…was that WotLK?

That’s basically how Blizz is doing it. My only issue with this is nowadays some players may not be playing on their same License as they originally did in TBC. The current one I use in retail I made in WOTLK (Totally regret it now). The only option given is to pay a seperate subscription to use the guy. I’m hoping they will give CS the flexibility to move or honor the license if it’s on the same bnet account and if there is enough proof of ownership.

TBC Netherwhelp Collar not able to be claimed is another great discussion on this that shows how much these pets meant to players back in the day

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I did exactly the same thing. I created a new account after quitting for a while then came back during WOTLK.

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They said ce pets would be in classic. I’ve already seen players with it in game.

Hopefully this gets changed soon : / it feels like something they don’t want to change unfortunately. I’m unsure why there is such a strict policy on this, We still own the pets from the CE…the pets can still work the classic way on whichever license the CE owner is currently playing on.

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Even if I was restricted to having the pet on only one character, I’d be fine with that. I just want it on my main. :frowning:

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I would honestly take that as well just some way to honor it very frustrating policy

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Until honor is fixed no one cares about TBC vanity pets.

I think it’s extremely underestimated how much Vanity pets mean to players. I’m praying that someone sees these threads on this and makes a change for players in our situation. It feels like something was almost taken from us that we own.

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Seriously? Do you actually think crapping on other people’s concerns will get yours addressed faster?


The honor issue is still valid, as is this one.

This, and this. I’m still feeling extremely disappointed in Blizzard’s current stance to not help players like us who created new accounts back in WoTLK or Cata, not knowing years down the line after Collections were implemented, we would be unable to use our CE pets if we now happened to play on another account.

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Yes. Some concerns are far more important than others. :grin:

All joking aside, I want my netherwelp too.

Hopefully this discussion can lead to you getting it as well.

Blizzard’s policy on pets working the classic way is fine with me however tying CS hands in transferring/honoring an old Key so someone can use it on their current account on the same bnet is just not cool and a slap in the face to someone who got the original CE back in TBC.

This and this back at you! I never once thought in 2021 this would be something we would be having to fight for on the forums.


Wrath brings the pet and mount interface, but I honestly cannot remember if that also made them account wide or if that came later. Ofc that is still a few years off.

I’m guessing that’s why they won’t transfer or honor license : / super bummer though :frowning:

Yeah, but at least you’ll get it eventually, which is better than nothing. :slight_smile:

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