Can't finish Underkeep without an interrupt

Boss has a mandatory interrupt and I’m a disc priest without one. How am I supposed to finish?

I don’t know the fight but does CC work or does it have to be a proper interrupt? Can you fear, MC, or shackle instead?

Tried fear and didn’t work but a nice other player joined up to help me. Just gonna have to research the delves I do ahead of time I guess.

well I don’t think its unreasonable to expect to be able to do delves solo since they are intended to have that flexibility. But Disc isn’t the only spec without access to an interrupt, so being able to talent into a CC would be a decent workaround, if CC works.

Actually Just Soloed this this on my Disc Priest today, Delve Level 8 – Ilvl 583.

Encasing Webs the Interruptable ability can be LOS’ed!

So I set my bran to DPS with; Rage filled Curio lvl 4 and Streamlined Relic lvl 4 but the curios don’t really matter this fight.

In the back of the room there are 2 giant red vats, Position Researcher Xik’vik on one side of one of the Vats. Wait for him to cast Rend Void which is the big void swirly he puts on the ground. At this point I’d wait about 3-4 secs then cast Fade just to ensure that he would not follow me then run behind one of the vats. You literally avoid all damage! Bronzebeard usually gets webbed but you can just dispel that. Keep doing this strategy used the los points provided by the Vat and after awhile you’ll get the kill.


I can’t upvote this comment enough, it was a livesaver for me doing this delve as holy just now! Only thing to note is that for some reason the vats didn’t work to break LoS for me (I would literally stand on the opposite side of them and the boss would just shoot through them) but since the room doesn’t close, you can play the same game around the entrance door frame.

I just tried this strat and the boss kept resetting every time I hid. Please Blizz, either give priests an interrupt (even chastise doesn’t work) or don’t make things that require one!

I just came to this after doing this as my disc priest and getting frustrated - I can’t seem to LoS behind the wall or any vats - and just die.

This is unfortuante :frowning:

I swapped to Shadow - but the 45 second CD is too long to get the kick the first time I tired it - so i had to talent into Shadow’s 30 second kick.

And I got it down - but died about 6 times before I figured out to go shadow with the reduced kick - and ran out of lives - least I still got my hidden trove.

Like - at least I was able to do it as shadow - but was very much sad face :frowning:

can someone explain to me how this is a mandatory interrupt? Just heal through the damage and fade to reset stacks to avoid the stun since the debuff is a snare.

I just did this tier 8 as holy(593). Utilized the red vats for L.O.S, and put a talent point into reducing cool down on fade. I ran in circles and let Brann DPS. The battle took around 4 or five minutes and felt very cheesy, but it was the only way I could do it. I could not heal through the damage.