Can't Find "The Archive"

unable to progress the main story chapter is somehow now a priority

For now, as long as they take to fix the bugs, because there are many in TWW if you take a look at the bugs section, is to try to complete the secondary missions of the other maps, the glyphs, the chasms, the dungeons, among others. It is the best thing to take advantage of the time left in the early access, otherwise it will not be worth anything.

—EDIT 2:40 PM—

I just finished almost 80% of the quests in the Resonant Mines and the quest NPC finally just showed up. I don’t know if it’s because they already fixed it or because one of the secondary quests in the mines managed to fix the bug. In any case, it’s worth trying this in case you can’t get someone to help you complete the quest in group.