Can't Find "The Archive"

im just going to spam dungeons ig

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We should get a partial refund if it takes that damn long to fix… completely unacceptable.

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its frustrating fr

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+1 same here. Posted in another thread, got someone to share the quest but the NPC is missing. I completed all side quests, seems like a phasing issue with the NPC on those quests?


Yeah I did all of the quest as well and got the quest shared with me and did the thing above it and the quest giver is still missing

Add me to the mix. About to hit 76, have done every side quest and every main quest up until The Archive. Speaker Brinthe will not appear to offer the quest and Merrix as well as Baelgrim are already in their chairs in the main chambers. Very frustrating not to be able to go on. What’s the point of having Early Access if you can’t play on due to a bug.


I yolo-submitted a ticket with a wait time of 2 days 10 hours… I’m hoping they fix this before then.

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Same issue for me. Been trying to fix it for 4+ hours - what a total fkn joke.


so… all 3 of my “mains” are stuck here now… fun stuff

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Bumping to get more traction on this, as this is my only toon(I care to play), I can’t progress at all.

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Wierd way to get us to buy a boost.

Add me to the list… no friends to party sync with. Guess we are waiting


So I just party-synched with a guildie who finished the campaign, and it put the NPC where they needed to be. Not sure if I got lucky or if it’s a proper fix… in any event, I hope it gets fixed for everyone soon!

This worked for me. Thank you!

Same…grouped with someone that shared, yet npc did not spawn, so I can’t even turn it in to complete it

same here i cant believe things like this arent hot fixed

War Within beta was supposed to fix and polish this kind of bugs. And now that in the middle of early access they can’t be fixed so far, that they prevent progress with the story and waste time is a colossal kick :confused:

Just in case I am stuck with this quest even though I have completed all of Dorn’s secondary quests.

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Anyone on MoonGuard horde side willing to sync up and help?

Anyone on MoonGuard horde side willing to sync up and help

im 80 and its still not fixed