Can't Find Harmot to Complete The Hermit

Working on “Sojourner of Isle of Dorn” and can’t find Harmot to begin that quest chain. Have flown all over the isle and can’t find a quest, and don’t have any related quests in my log, but haven’t completed any of them. Any ideas?

Same here! I finished all the quests in Isle of Dorn. Is it part of the one’s time gated? Cause they said part of the quests for opening the Earthen race won’t be available till next Tuesday. I think we need this achievement as part of the criteria to open the new Earthen race.

I’ll wait a week and see – I suppose I shouldn’t be in that much of a hurry to get Loremaster lol

Someone said that they completed the achievement, but I don’t see how to start this quest line still, apparently it starts with a quest called lost delivery which I can’t find either.

Nevermind LOL my Draenei warlock just got it. I don’t understand why nobody else had it but her, that’s so weird! Anyway, I guess it’ll work if I do it on her since everything is connected now?

That really is weird – I show that I have completed the “Lost Delivery” quest, but I can’t find any pick-up quests for the next parts. Mystery!

When I did it on an alt, even though I already completed it on my main, I finally got the achievement. Maybe that’s all you need to do if you have alts? There’s obviously some bug with this, because it really was not showing up on numerous characters and then when I went to another character, it randomly showed up and was completed. So odd!

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You saved my journey. Thank you. Nothing was showing up anywhere. But i flew to the marker in your link and there he was…i must have flown over that area 100 times but not until i landed did he appear. Almost as if he had to phase in once i was close.

Thank you again

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