Can't find Ensemble: Stormstout's Sha-Warped Collection Transmog Set (Modern) in my sets for tmog?

Hi, as the title says, I can’t seem to find the tmog set that I bought. Is this an error in game? thanks!

Like…at all? Or do you mean it’s just not in the set list? Can you still find the individual items?

It won’t be offered in game until Pandaria pre-patch launches.

"Available in modern World of Warcraft® realms. The Ensemble: Stormstout’s Sha-Warped Collection Transmog Set will be granted to your World of Warcraft® modern collection with the Mists of Pandaria™ Classic pre-patch launch, anticipated on or before July 31, 2025. "


oh!! thank you @jeysca! I must’ve not seen that. I love the mounts tho!!

(post deleted by author)

where does it say that?

ahh i found it thank you!!

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Bottom of the store page, second bullet point on the list.