Can't enter the dungeon

I have also experienced this issue as well, which is quite frustrating.

But I have seemed to noticed that it is a Oceanic server issue, as nearly all of us posted here are on servers from that region.

Yeah i’d say it’s highly likely just oce servers
typical :frowning:

I’m getting this issue 9/10 times trying to level through dungeons, also from an OCE server.

+1, just happened to me twice now

Happens often for me as well. 70% loaded then stops eventual disconnect. Alt-F4 and attempt to log back in immediately results in “Character already exists” error. No deserter or queue time wait on logging back in. Only happened when queueing for specific dungeon in my case. Also on OCE server (Caelestrasz).

Agreed, looks like the issue is limited to OCE servers. I just queued for a random heroic and encountered the same issue. Dungeon was Tirna Scythe again.

Thanks Blizzard. Really glad we’ll be paying $20 a month for this
 Ashes can’t come out soon enough.

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Same issue here - from Cael server - also aussie. bloody annoying. have to kill the game client - then wait 5 mins for it to stop telling me my character is already in game before i can relog

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yep- still happening, every dungeon this evening, completely barred from any group content.

bump - happening to me too (OCE - saurfang).

It’s not been possible to queue for a dungeon on Khaz’goroth for 3 days. Everyone on the server is aware of it but it doesn’t appear Blizzard are. Players just get stuck at 75% loading upon zoning into the dungeon then the character is locked for 10 minutes. If you Alt+F4 out then you can’t log back in, you just have to wait for it to timeout.

Dungeon queues are completely broken at the present time.

Bumping. Saurfang and happening 70% of the time.

bumpity bump bump

Was fine earlier today
 past 2 hours it’s been impossible to queue into a dungeon. Stuck at 75% followed by a DC and deserter.

OCE - Aman’Thul

Can’t get my mythic dungeons done because I just can’t load into dungeons or dc. Barthilas here.

Happening for me as well, though not OCE, on illi’dan. And just after I had fixed a different bug

Same issue for me, waiting in queue, load screen for dungeon goes to 70% then hangs forever until it boots me. OCE Nagrand server.

Still happening
 Making gearing any characters pretty impossible at the moment.