Can't dismount from Kalu'ak Glider after today's patch

Yes the big red question mark is there, but there isn’t a way to enter a ticket like before which got immediate attention from a developer or GM. Now you go around in circles with an automated system trying to find a FAQ to answer your question. The ‘submit a bug’ option has a note that says someone will review it but you will not get a response. Issues added here also do not show up in ‘your tickets’ tab. So yeah, it’s not the same system as before. Lots has changed since 2009 when I started playing.

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Get a mage to port you to dalaran. and than dont use those mounts again.

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Also seeing this issue with nightmare emerald drake, seems that a lot of the 12 month sub rewards are suddenly bugged. How does this even happen?

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I just logged into another toon and that one is on the mount now too and can’t get off. It was not on the mount last time I logged out!

It’s not that simple.

Reporting a bug (which gives the appearance of just going to file 13), is only a couple of clicks from the question mark. But raising a ticket which is allocated a tracking number and should get a response is much more work, and can be difficult to navigate.

I raised a ticket recently and it’s not intuitive.
I had to first work my way through a series of “is this your problem” questions and category selection. At one point it looked like I had looped back to the start of a never ending cycle. But I did eventually manage to open it, and even a response. (For all the fat lot of good it did though. :confounded: - It was the all too common zero-help template response demonstrating a lack of understanding or motivation to do anything other than close the ticket.)

I suggest using the simpler “report a bug” option rather than trying to raise a ticket. The more people who report the bug, the more likely it is to be noticed.
Only use the raise ticket if you’re really stuck on the mount (as in even going into a building doesn’t dismount you). Because then hopefully support might be able to actively intervene to remove the buff.
Either way, there’s nothing to be done but report the bug and wait for a fix.

Same here, cant complete quests or level due to this issue

I never get mad at the bugs but now I am. I literally cannot play the game. All my toons are on the mount now. I cannot dismount. I cannot attack or do anything in the game. If I die on purpose I am on the mount even when I am dead.

Since you seem to be having a slightly different problem to others, who are able to get rid of the mount by entering a building, I’m curious what might be causing it.

Do you perhaps have that marked as a favourite mount?
If so, try removing the favourite selection.

I suggested basically the same thing, enter a dungeon and see if you get dismounted. :point_down:

I don’t have any mounts marked at favorite. I went into dungeons last night and I would be dismounted upon entering but then when I would exit the dungeon I was automatically right back on the mount.

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I finally got off the mount just now. Going into buildings like Blizzard suggested did not dismount me. I was just in the buildings in the mount… But I did just finally get dismounted by going into a cave and I really had to walk far back into the cave much farther than you normally would to get dismounted.

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Well glad you were able to get dismounted… Wonder if a dungeon would help. If you have any other toons stuck – try that and see if that works. Normally dungeons are instances so it should 100% work.

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I don’t have any mounts marked at favorite. I went into dungeons last night and I would be dismounted upon entering but then when I would exit the dungeon I was automatically right back on the mount. - from my comment above :slight_smile:

Sorry I must have missed that part – well that is no bueno for sure :frowning:

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I tried switching to a different mount and ended up with the same problem

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Just an FYI: It seems you didn’t finish reading my post before replying.
I didn’t suggest anything in the first paragraph.
My suggestion is in the second, and clearly very different from yours.

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Just as FYI: This is called the phrase “basically”. It means similar but not the same.
I appreciate your snippy response because it was both needed and required …mmhmmm.

This is what happens when you try to help and make suggestions.
Toxic :poop:'s can’t help themselves.

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I didn’t make a “snippy response” to your original suggestion.
You’re the one who decided it was “oh so important” to post a factually incorrect reply to my suggestion.
But you do you man. :man_shrugging:

You’re right about this :point_down: - despite being oblivious to the irony.

Actually, you did but your lack of self-awareness and the need not to be wrong is shining bright as a beacon. :flashlight:

Your lack of intelligence (and I’m sure education) is hurting you here. You really should learn and understand what the phrase “basically” means. Learn it, understand it, comprehend it.

Just for fun basically =/= factual.

I’m quite aware of what I posted, nothing ironic about it. It was 100% intentional. Once someone adopts a :poop: tone with me, they will continue to get it. I never forgive or forget.

My first comment in this thread was a reply to Antabusu.
My second a reply to Jannesa.
The first time I replied to you was after your “snippy response” of:

Again there’s significant irony in your pathetically weak attempts to insult me.

Your attempted insults are laughable in the extent that they are a reflection on you. :mirror:
You’re projecting.

Your suggestion to “fly into a dungeon” and mine to “check favourite mounts” are nothing alike.
Calling them “basically the same is thing” is certainly a take.
A very “creative” take.
Good luck finding anyone to agree with your take.

I’m sure someone could build a factory with all the irony in your post. :roll_eyes:

This might be the first accurate thing you’ve said in response to me. I’ll give you that.
Obviously it’s totally irrelevant, but perhaps there’s someone who will congratulate you.

Unsurprisingly I’m quite convinced you aren’t.
That’s because I suspect I discovered the post you intended to reply to when you in actual fact replied to me.
Which would indicate that your lack of awareness and failure to properly indicate who you were replying to is the root cause of your incorrigibly rude and childish behaviour.

So to add another layer of irony to those you’ve introduced already:
Someone posted a similar suggestion to you (probably without even having seen yours). And if you hadn’t decided to get uppity with that person (for no sensible reason) in the first place, you wouldn’t have made a fool of yourself being :point_down: towards me.

But I guess you just couldn’t help yourself. :sunglasses:

In all sincerity… Grow TF up!
Right from my very first reply to you, I’ve been exceedingly polite with you.
This is despite your increasingly aggressive, obnoxious and unhinged tone towards me.

If you had simply:

  • considered why I was giving you a friendly FYI in the first place,
  • OR bothered to take 30 seconds to read the section of my post that I quoted,
  • OR double-checked who you originally replied to,
  • OR taken note when I pointed out the fact that I didn’t respond to your original suggestion,
    you might have realised that your original “snippy response” wasn’t intended to be directed towards me at all. And you could have avoided making a fool of yourself.

If there’s one thing you shouldn’t forget, it’s that you’ve been schooled!

And a friendly suggestion: stay away from the asinine insults.
You’re quite terrible at it, and only advertise your own insecurities.