I was tanking timewalking lfg dungeon. I had a lvl 11 mage and 55 monk healer taking aggro. Keep in mind the healer is attacking with aoe’s constantly while healing here and there. We get to a boss that has a group of enemies i know hurt alot. So i prepare to die knowing that the healer isnt doing well enough. Get rezzed. We start to take on the boss then the mage dies after i get put to sleep. Then we finish off the boss. Im now kicked from the group from a low level dying. I know lower levelsfor some reason pull loads of aggro cause the scaling. They apparently do loads of damage at their level. Also, I know this dungeon well from so many times of queing. I know whos a good healer and whos not. This was completely unfair. I was considering asking to kick healer but everyone teams up on the tank. Even though the healer was dpsing?? This kind of stuff happens to me all the time. Something i see wrong that the healer is doing but the tank is in the wrong at all times. I never said anything to anyone prior to being kicked the group was silent. I just know its futile to say anything about the healers. I just tough it up and take it like a man. No BS to the party. All in all My point here is there should not be a half hour punishment for being kicked from the group. How many times out of 10 someones punished for being kicked out of a group unfairly. I say abolish the half hour punishment for group kicking. Leave to deserters. Im not deserting group if im kicked. I am power leveling with timewalking as tank. Theres no reason to kill such a good buzz. Thanks for your time for reading this. Also thank you for your consideration for hearing me out. Hopefully others out there understand this pain.
First - Mistweaver Monks can heal by doing damage. Its called Ancient Teachings. It used to be a talent we could pick, but it was made into baseline. There are a few abilities we can use that aren’t melee: Vivify, Renewing and Enveloping Mist, Soothing Mist etc. In dungeons, especially TW, melee works. If the healer was intentionally letting the group die then yes, it is their fault. If the healer was keeping the group up enough that they didnt die, then I dont see a problem.
Second - I assume you’re the tank from this rant. So I’ll ask: why would you ever go into a fight prepared to die? As tanks, we have a lot in the way of keeping aggro, it can get eough in AoE, especially as a bear. Between Thrash, Incarn/Frenzy, Moonfires on everything, sometimes it still doesnt feel like enough. And if we get CCd and the healer doesn’t dispel us, welp thats probably someone dead. Its a team effort after all.
Third - Correct, the scaling is off for low level players to make up for the fact they have few abilities and not a full talent tree or hero talents.
Fourth - Being kicked does suck, the deserter buff also sucks. But you learn to live with it. Do some quests or PvP while you wait
Here’s the problem that comes with this forum. I don’t like discord or reddit jockies. My attention is more for the employees of blizzard not some player whom thinks they are a know it all. I highly recommend they take out the half hour punishment only after being kicked.
Just fyi.
The monk: was spamming round house kicks after putting vivify on me and when my health would get low would spam one of their CD group heals. This was all their combo was.
I know what a good healer is when i see one. When this RARE occasion happens i can pull whole rooms no problem.
Yes I was the tank. I forgot to mention this.
Me as tank: I use all my abilities accordingly. Wild charge, swipe till full group of enemies are around then thrash, whilst also using mangle when off cd and back to swipe and thrash, also when off cd. My rage goes to ironfur whenever able i never use maul. My build avoids maul to keep up iron fur. On top of this depending the magnitude of the enemies I have regrowth (which i also have the talent dream of cenarius specifically so i can heal myself while in bear form i only use when needed it has a 30 second duration allowing me to cast.), frenzied regen, barkskin, and survival instincts. Also on top of this i gear up off the auction every ten levels to make sure Im not behind in stats.
Lastly I went into a fight prepared to die cause i knew the healer was poo and it was going to happen. I used my defence abilities went into fight and died thats what happened. I can promise you others would agree. The specific boss we were about to fight has a strong mob right next to him and his name is Thorngrin The Tender. Every time I tank this dungeon this one boss i occasionally have some trouble with unless the groups prepared for the 8 enemies prior to this boss.
Thanks for your opinion but Ill take it as a grain of salt and move on with my life.
Well, since you asked a question, and Blizzard employees don’t respond here ever, the only answer you’re gonna get is from your fellow players.
OTOH, your unpleasant demeanor here might be a clue as to why you’re getting kicked.
A guardian druid could solo these dungeons. You’re definitely doing something very wrong.
Yeah, getting kicked is no fun. And it isn’t desertion.
Defined: the action of [deserting] a person, cause or organization.
Deserting: abandoning in a way that is disloyal or treacherous.
If you get booted for whatever reason, that isn’t an act on your part. They got rid of you. Not desertion.
Sorry OP. I’ve seen this thread a few times now (same complaint).