Can't Decide between nelf or human rogue

cant decide between those 2 races for my alliance rogue, any help or tips?

Undead Rogues always Undead Rogue


You get an extra vanish with Nelf’s shadowmeld.

Just my 2 cents.

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Make a button Shadowmeld + Kidney Shot + Garrot if you have subterfuge
you have a 2 min 4 sec stun and crazy bleed as well as a drop tracking from target.

Nelf animations are pretty great. Shadowmeld is super useful.

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Humans look cooler in leather sets, I’d go human.

Humans look the best.

Could I interest you in a Dwarf rogue?

-Our DW animations are actually pretty good
-Stoneform is oddly satisfying and useful
-Our beards are bis

(…you would have to work extra hard to transmog something that looks decent though. )

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I honestly I just switched from Dark Iron Dwarf to Human and now I regret my decision. I actually think my tmogs looked better on my DI Dwarf compared to my human.

But if I had to choose between Night Elf or Human, I’d go human. Overall the transmogs are better and the reputation bonus helps since most of the cool things in game are locked behind reputation.

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bonus to stealth


Shadowmeld works as a 2nd vanish. I went nelf and never looked back.

I’m pretty sure Night Elf no longer gets a bonus to stealth. Shadow Meld is useful though.

Still states it in the character select screen / bonus traits area.

No bonus to stealth listed here. I think it was removed around the time they removed human perception.

K, just checked.

But they do have (as a night elf bonus) “faster movement while stealthed”.

Maybe that was the “bonus” I remembering they had…a (in general) bonus to stealth. I was thinking it was the ‘make it harder to see’ , but apparently just movement bonus.

Unsure (never checked, doubt it) if it stacks with other things, like Fleetfooted.

Human really only if you plan on doing a lot of reputation grinding. Humans don’t have great racials these days but Diplomacy is still pretty sweet. Human spirit is worded weird and I’m not sure how it compares to other races and their 1% bonuses.

Night elf is better for overall combat with the haste/crit bonus and shadowmeld. The stealth bonus is worded as they move 2% faster but that’s at all times.

And as a gnome I’m obligated to say that escape artist is pretty good. The slow/root removal has saved me more than a few times and is only on a minute CD. Haste bonus isn’t bad either. Also, flip kick animation for kick.