Can't Continue Shadowlands Questline, Choose a Covenant, Map Unclickable


Just like in the title, I can’t continue the Shadowlands main quest line on one of my characters because I am stuck on the ‘Choosing Your Purpose’ quest where you have to choose your Covenant, but, I am unable to click on the table/map of the Shadowlands in front of the NPC in Oribos that you turn this quest into.

I have looked at other forum posts, and I’ve seen that some people aren’t getting credit for speaking with each of the ‘Covenant representatives,’ but that is not my problem. I am able to get credit for speaking with them, but after that I am supposed to click on the map, but I am unable to. The map is unclickable. When I hover my mouse pointer on top of the map, there is no option to click on it.

I’ve already put in a ticket and they gave me some suggestions, like log out, rest the UI, nothing worked. This quest is also unable to be abandoned, so I can try getting it again. It’s just sitting there in my quest log but I can’t complete it or continue the Shadowlands campaign. Also tried disabling add-ons, uninstalling add-on manager.

It might be worth noting that I’ve never completed the Shadowlands campaign before on any character. I quit near the end of Legion and just came back recently. I only just made a Void Elf hunter and leved up to 60+ in the Shadowlands campaign so I can get the Dark Ranger customization, but now I can’t even continue it or get the ‘Return to Lordareon’ quest because having completed the Shadowlans campaign is a requirement for that.

Also, maybe it’s because I leveled this character using Timewalking while doing the Shadowlands campaign, but I reached level 61 before even getting to the part where you choose a Covenant, and it ported me out of the Shadowlands back to the ‘present’ in Stormwind, so I had to go back to Ravendreth to complete the quest line I was on. Just a side note, Timewalking leveling might be too quick if I can’t even get through one xpac campaign from level 10-61. Also, the unavoidable mechanic where it forces you to leave the quest/zone you were on right at level 61 is super lame and unnecessary.

My ticket is only 2 days old, so still waiting for someone to say something about it, but it seems like this might be a bug related to Timewalking, or just old xpac content becoming broken due to new updates, so I might just have to wait for them to fix it. In the meantime, it is kind of lame that I can’t even get the Dark Ranger customization because I literally cannot continue an old expac main quest line that is a prerequisite for it.


I think I completed that last week. So it was working then.

I’m having the same issue right now. :frowning: Must be a bug with the pre-patch update. Bummer.


I have the same issue. I can’t click on the table or abandon the quest. This is on a lv 70, after just finishing the SL campaign. After the Ardenweald bug, this just feels terrible.


Same, unable to choose a covenant. I never played Shadowland so I am locked out now of progressing further


Same here, I think we have to wait :frowning:


Yesterday I brought four alts into Shadowlands without issue. They chose Fate and then chose a covenant without issue. I then attempted to do the same with a fifth and just like the OP, I got credit for talking to the covenants but then could not click on the helm. I’ve since done this with another alt just to see if it worked and it did. It is only this one alt. I turned off all my addons, cleared the WTF, reset ui… nothing works. I was about to open a ticket but the OP said they did that without a resolution. :frowning:

Here I am with the same problem, I can’t progress in the questline.

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Same issue here.

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Same issue, never done shadowlands before, played through for xmogs but now stuck on the map selection for covenant.

Nothing interactable, no button to press, nada.


I’m having the same issue, everything went fine until I needed to click the map.
Nothing to click.
Opened a ticket, 3 days later the guy said I didn’t have the quests and achievement needed to complete the quest, despite having had to have done them to get this far.
[Not on this char, if there’s a dev reading this, on my pally I opened the ticket on]

My guess is it’s a warband thing.


Same, stuck on this and can’t proceed. Never done Shadowlands before on any other characters so this is my first playthrough. Can’t proceed or abandon quest or click on anything to choose covenant. Character is a hunter.


Same here, stuck! Unable to click on the map table or abandon the quest.

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Same. also submitted a bug report.


same issue cant complete or abandon


Just checked and it is fixed for me now.


Mine is also fixed now. Yay!

Hi Everyone,

As some have mentioned, this issue got fixed with a recent update.