Not sure if this is Stormrage-specific, but I’m unable to connect to my character list ever since maintenance ended. The game is getting infinitely stuck on the “Retrieving Character List” prompt, with no possibility of hitting the “Back” button or going to the home screen. I have to force close the game and reopen it to try again, just to end up at the same loop… I see “breaking news” that the auction house and crafting orders are having issues that are being looked into, but nothing about literally not being able to log in???
10/10 Blizzard.
Same here on Akama. Check out this other report here: Stuck on retrieving character list. Looks like this issue has been going on for at least 3 days for some. I’m just experiencing it for the first time today.
Yes, I logged into the game, AH was closed due to “internal error” tried withdraw money from warband bank, wouldn’t let me do that either. Tried to reload, no response. So I closed the window, now I can’t log back into the game. I did get to character screen at first, now just a loading screen.
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I logged out of Battlenet and WoW client and this seemed to fix the retrieving character issue.