Im trying to complete the Priest Class Hall campaign in Legion. However I’m unable to do the World quests as I have not unlocked them for all of my other characters cause I have not completed “Uniting the Isles” Quest on the character that I actually played through legion.
Lo and behold I hop on that character to see if he can go do the quest, and there it is on the map in Dalaran. So I walk over to the tower to go grab the quest from Khadgar, and well, Hes not there anymore. Hes just NOT in the game. I cant chromie time because the character is level 70.
So Blizzard, how can I get back Khadgar to complete this quest, without having to level an entirely new character and farm the rep and do all the story again in legion. Im not trying to dedicate another 20-40 hours on things Ive already done.
Khadgars Model shows up in the Chamber of the Guardian and in the Portrait room as well underneath Dalaran when you take the portal in the central part of the city. However he will not interact with anything outside of the War Within dialogue options
Have you played through The Harbinger and/or TWW intro sequence?
Not sure how it would work for under-leveled characters who can’t do those, but at 70 that worked for my husband.
I’m having same issue and doing The Harbinger questline and TWW campaign didn’t fix it. Khadgar is still underground and not in the Violet Citadel.
Anyone get this to work. I’m working on getting a new main toon their class mount and cant get Uniting the Isles quest. I’ve completed all the TWW campaign and wanted to work on this before season started.
I am also having this issue
Man, this is a real buzzkill. I’m also stuck trying to get with Khadgar for the “Magic Message” quest so I can start the chains in Suramar. I’m already 80 and did the Harbinger and all of TWW, but wanted to go back to Legion for druid skins. I guess that’s on hold right now 
Having the same problem, boosted this new character to level 70 a couple of days ago, completed TWW’s campaign. I skipped the intro for Legion and Khadgar is nowhere to be found in Legion’s Violet Citadel. I did find him in Chamber of the Guardian on Dalaran but he just has dialogues about the Harbinger and the Dark Heart.
The “Uniting the Isles” quest is displaying on my map in the Violet Citadel but Khadgar doesn’t offer it.
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Same issue; I’ve done all of the TWW intro quests, and I’ve just completed the Legion Class Hall quests on two other alts with no problem, now my warrior can’t find Khadgar for some odd reason.
My Paladin is also stuck. Boosted to 70 and even tried the work arounds by doing the intro TWW stuff but still no Khadgar. His mission icon shows him to be dead center of Dalaran island but he is not standing with the rest of the council within the spire.
Hope Blizz fixes this soon.
At least this bug makes sense. I mean he is no longer with us how could he be giving out quests.
I’m thinking that this issue has to do with witnessing Khadgar’s demise. I know absolutely nothing about how they program this game, but here’s my thinking: Say there are multiple Khadgar’s in the game, all with different ‘tags’ (or whatever) based on the different expac, patch, etc., and if the ‘Legion Khadgar’ and the ‘TWW Khadgar’ share the same ‘tag’ would that cause the ‘Legion Khadgar’ to disappear when the ‘TWW Khadgar’ died? The reason I’m asking is because my rogue CAN see Khadgar, and she has completed the legion mount, but has NOT completed ANY of the TWW intro quests.
Update: My main toon who has done everything Legion, and all the TWW intros and watched Khadgar die, CAN see Khadgar in the citadel! He just told me it’s nice to see me. So it must have something to do with Legion…
Adding to the overall post confirming have completed TWW pre / intro quests and also Legion class hall 3/3 weaps obtained and the class hall initial quests (up to needing to go assault first zone), yet unable to see Khadgar anywhere in Dalaran like the map quest icons show (not inside Violet Tower). This is for classes:
Khadgar is in the Guardian Chamber with Alleria however he doesn’t give anything Legion related, just talking points for the Harbinger quest line.
Update: FYI I just got onto my Warlock BE who is lv53 - no TWW or etc recent expensions completed — I can see Khadgar in the Citadel like he should… obviously just no quests to obtain as this warlock was my legion main / completed everything class hall related already…
Same issue here. Completed TWW intro quest and made it far into TWW campaign. Went back to go get the class mount and Khadgar is not in the Citadel where the map has an ! for Uniting the Isles quest.
Same here. I’ve got both a druid stuck at the point of needing to turn in two quests to Khadgar, but he is nowhere to be found. I received a response from a GM yesterday (3Sep2024) that the deployment they were sure would fix it did not, and they are currently actively working on the issue, but there is no concrete ETA on a fix. Oh, well, at least there’s still stuff I can do. I’m still not done collecting the Pillars of Creation.
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That is a relief to hear, though, that they are in fact aware that their hotfix didn’t work. The official support article has claimed that it “should” have solved it, and that was it.