Can't change characters again

Two day ago I was able to change characters in the forums and change back to my normal postrer toon…well today I can’t change to any of my characters at all…


I am currently experiencing this.


I see a WoW icon with my battle tag, rather than my characters.

Please tell me we aren’t going to be able to post as a character in the near future, that would suck mightily.


Last night I tried to log out and change forum accounts in order to post on the character that was experiencing an issue. Instead I ended up being locked out of forum posting on both accounts on my desktop, getting the message that I neither have a level 10 character nor a subscription on either account. None of my characters are displayed on either account, just the blizz icon.

This is a really bad change. They’ve taken this to a whole new level of incompetence.

Edit to add:
Maybe it was a different thread, but some posters said they thought this was a Firefox issue. That includes me. I was unable to properly access my forum account on Firefox, which I was using because Chrome broke and for some reason couldn’t be re-installed.

A couple of nights ago I was logged off the forum and had to log back in. Clearly some changes had been made to the forum software. For instance, there were no pinned posts at the top.

I opened the forums on my desktop and logged in. I was able to log into my account on my desktop again. I think they finally figured out what the problem was and fixed it.