Can't buy Epic Elekk ground mount

Still. Not. Working. on Arugal! PLEASE GIVE ME MY MOUNT! :frowning:

Seriously…no SERIOUSLY, this is my third alt during lockdown and the only thing keeping me sane. Don’t DENY ME MY MOUNT BLIZZARD or I’m going to lose possession of my mental faculties!

still broken on Grobbulus

Did something change? How did you get one?

I think I found a workaround for this problem! Don’t use a portal! Or at least don’t use the Shattrath portal to the exodar. On a hunch, after i got to the exodar using the shatt portal, I took the ferry to darkshore and back so the islands would reload from kalimdor and it worked! Let me know if it works for you?


I didnt use the portal but went by boat from wetlands, darkshore, azuremyst isle originally an d i had this issue.
found your post and took the boat back to darkshore and back again. and it did work this time thankfully. very weird.

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Also was having this problem on Benediction. I saw a suggestion to take the boat to Darkshore and then back again so I tried that and it worked, I was able to buy the mount then.


This 100% works. thank you

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Come to think of it that’s how I was able to buy my 30 mount. Kind of crazy. Just hit 60 and decided to do some testing. If you Use any form of portal to get to Kalimdor, (i.e. Mage portal to Exodar, Darnassus and Theramore or Use either of the portals in Shatt to get to Kalimdor).

You have to go from Eastern Kingdoms to Kalimdor by boat for this work around to work 100% of the time. Best bet is to take the boat from Darkshore to Wetlands, and then back. That seems to work every time for me at least. - Alliance Pagle.

Thank you Herazade!

Onward to Outlands!


Nice to see someone finally found a work-around.

I’m not either.
They generally don’t respond to bug report posts.
…and this has been posted in the retail bug report forum, it should have been posted in the classic bug report forum.

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Benediction still bugged. Was able to get the mount with your work around of zoning out by boat and zoning back in by boat. Thank you very much!

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Thank you this was the solution. At least until Blizz figures it out.

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Thanks for the workaround! I thought I was going crazy with this one single vendor not working on the one alt that needed it.

Blizzard, nice multi-dollar company you’ve got there!

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The boat thing did it for me from Menethil to Auberdine to Exodar and approaching the vendor from his left side…sounds weird talking like that but it really worked.

Awesome! Simply took the Exodar to Auberdine boat and back. Worked!

Please fix it though Blizz.

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