Cant Board the Boat to Northrend

what do i need to do, as Alliance?

Check with Chromie and see if you have Northrend selected.

i do. something is messed up. Blizzard please help

When you say “can’t,” how are you being prevented?


i try, and it fades out, turns me around multiple times. its a mess

It sounds like you are attempting to board the wrong boat as there are several different ones that can be boarded.


There are heirloom maps to unlock flightpaths and you can take the portal to Dalaran and fly to your quest location.


Few things. This forum is a player to player support forum. The SFAs (the only Blues you will see here) do try to help out when they are on the clock. This forum is not manned 24/7 by them. Due to it being the format that it is, there are neither Devs nor GMs that come here. Zip, zilch, nada. So yeah. There isn’t the support here that you think there may be.

Just to make sure you’re at the right pier - it’s the one to the far right if you’re facing the water. Ironically enough, the boat pulled up while I was taking my screenshot.

You’ve even got an NPC who can tell you where the ship is in it’s transit.