Can't Access Game or Support

Hey there —

I was in the middle of running my own key for M+, and was disconnected. Now, I can’t reaccess any WoW game (have tried Retail and Cata Classic) and I can’t access the Blizzard Support site to file a ticket. I can access all other Blizzard sites for whatever reason. I’m at a loss of what to do.

Getting error code WOW51900328.


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Happening to a bunch of us. This seems like a server end problem.

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Same. Came back to report that I also couldn’t access support, but your thread is already here so will just cosign

Which server? I saw another thread mentioning Illidan, but I’ve been online for hours and not running into this. Potentially, it’s a hub a lot of ISPs use to reach the datacenter.

Been having this issue for multiple hours now - can’t connect to Bnet support, nor the game. Hoping this will be solved after maintenance. Happened while on Area 52.

in the same boat trying to log in on stormrage

Same error message here. Trying to log in to Destromath. But can’t even connect to some webpages, specifically support. Started for me a few hours ago.

Having the same issue here. I get disconnected (WOW51900328) when trying log into the game server. It’s been like this all day.

I live in SE Asia playing on Stormrage (NA) and can only log into the game using a VPN, if not I get stuck on logging into game.

Sisters of Elune - I heard about Illidan too

EU Region: Yesterday in a raid at about 21-30 server time, I and six of my guildmates were disconnected from the game, since then we still can’t log in to the game, we just can’t get through authorization to the character selection window, I don’t understand what the reason is, my provider says that there are no problems on their side, and now I have to play through a vpn/proxy. Please let me know if the situation becomes clear, at the same time I want to protect myself in advance and warn Blizzard that I am playing through a proxy, so that no sanctions are applied to my account later.

VPN is allowed but not supported, unfortunately the hacks team doesn’t monitor support forums, so posting this statement will have no effect. In the meantime sticking with the same proxy is recommended, but my understanding is they can see if a vpn is used so you should be ok.

Same here, with the error code: wow51900308
It’s been days