Can't accept Thunderdome: Grudge Match! Quest?

This is the last quest line I need to complete my Eastern Kingdoms Lore Master achievement. The quest giver, Dr. Dealwell in Gadgetzan Tanaris, has the “!” above his head, but when I click on him and try to accept the quest I get the error noise and in my chat is says “You do not meet the requirements for this quest.” I don’t know what else I need! I have done all the quests and I’m level 50 :frowning:


I’m in the same boat. Level 47. Tried removing my gear to get gear level to different amounts. Nothing, I went and did the battles up in Zul’Drak, nothing. I get the same message and not able to get the quest. Blizz this is bugged.

Hey, I did this quest yesterday with no problem. What the issue might be though is you have not met the NPC that is apart of the quest yet. I don’t remember exactly where she is at though, but she is in Tanaris up toward the North. She is apart of a side quest.

The actual solution to this problem is for some reason you have to have War Mode enabled in order to accept this quest. Go to your major city, turn on War Mode, come back and you should be able to accept and complete it.

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THANK YOU SO MUCH! This works and this quest has been driving me insane!

I have war mode enabled and still can not accept this quest, I’ve opened a ticket to see what can be done but as of now, I’ve completed every single quest and breadcrumb quest in Tanaris, have unequipped all of my gear, logged and re-logged multiple times and still get the “You do not meet the requirements for that quest.”

Sometimes the phasing for the quest gets messed up on a shard. (Which is why sometimes changing shards to/from Warmode can fix it.) If you can’t get into a shard where it’s working, you can wait for a server restart, which should also fix it. (Until it breaks again, of course.)

I was having this same issue, and HAD War Mode Toggled on, so I was about to move on and say F^#* it, but in toggling it off and returning to Tanaris it allowed me to start and finish this quest chain.