Cannot use portal to Jade Forest?

Hi everyone, I have somewhat recently started a new alt, and cannot figure out how to get to Pandaria anymore…
There is a portal in Stormwind to Jade Forest, but I am not able to use it, and this is confusing.
I realize that the powers that be at Blizz have decided to completely change the leveling experience for Shadowlands, but they have provided no bread crumbs to open up the older expansions that I can see.
Have they just made it so there is no possible way to quest in Pandaria anymore, or what?? So the MoP expansion no longer exists??
I do not know of any other way to get to that continent without the opening questlines, which seem to have been removed for some ignorant reason.
So, is that it, Pandaria is no longer in the game at all, or is there some other way to start the quests to get you there??
Thanks in advance!!

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Go to the war chiefs/heroes call board. In SW or Org.

The board only displays a limited number of breadcrumb quests. Keep accepting breadcrumb quests from the board until the one for MoP rolls up.

Accept it and then delete the other breadcrumbs.

Are you doing MoP in chromie time (level 10-50 with mob scaling) or regular time (10-35 with no mob scaling)


Thanks a Million, that was what I needed!!


This thread turned up in my notifications again.
As it looks like it’s being found by Google, I’ll necro it to add an update:

The call boards are divided into three panels. The breadcrumb for getting to Pandaria seems to be 1-3 bread crumbs down in the middle panel.