Often unable to turn in or accept new quests without untargetting the quest giver, running away a few yards, and trying again. Over the years this has been a thing, but rare. Now its constant, probably 1 in 4 quests or more.
This has been a recurring situation with npcs since Shadowlands. Blizzard won’t even acknowledge the problem, so I am not expecting a fix any time soon.
Yep, I’ve had to do it over 20 times this expansion. I’m getting real tired of /reload, since it wipes my chat history too.
You can usually avoid reloading. Just untarget the quest person, run a few yards off (10-20 will do it, nothing huge) and run back in, target person, and it should now work.
I’ve tried that, and I have to go quite far sometimes to untarget them. Even if I click myself or anyone else and have literally someone targeted, it acts like I am still engaged with the NPC. And that takes a lot longer than /reload.
Been experiencing this for a year or two in retail and classic. Running away fixes it but its still annoying how often it happens.