Cannot turn in quest "Rescue The Farseer"

Server transfer and switched factions today and redoing the quests in Nazjatar except I cannot turn this quest in. Per recommended in other places I have tried:
Logging out at the same spot.
Leaving the zone and coming back.
Dropping the quest multiple times.
Warmode on and off.

Any and all help is appreciated.

I would open a ticket and explain that you just faction changed and all of the steps you have taken thus far

My mage had a phasing issue in his order hall and a GM was able to mark the quest as complete for me sk j could advance the story.

Please note, this can only be done if the GMs have been given direct permission to from the devs. There are specific I nstances where a GM can use an internal work around for us, the players.

If this is on that list you are golden. If not, unfortunately they are going to have to refer you to 3rd party site lime wowhead. Please know, when they say no in a situation like this, it does not mean they dk t want to help. They literally don’t have the tools to help.

Best of luck to you.


I was able to solve this!

I had to right click the buff for the body guard off and then accept the quest from the apprentice again. Hope this saves someone some trouble in the future!


Glad to hear this.


for me i completed the quest and had the farseer with me. I abandoned the quest and the next quest appeared above the farseer

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Awesome! Thanks for posting - that’s what I had to do as well…

I tried all of the above and nothing worked :frowning:

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Did not work for me either

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i was having the same problem. what did work for me was to turn off follower buff heart stone to SW abandon quest once there then head over back to Nazjatar to pick up and complete the quest :grinning:

I’ve tried all of these and everything in between. Nothing works to fix this bug. Blizzard seriously needs to get their **** together. This bug has been going on since June 2019 and nothing has been done about it.


I just ran into this problem today, and none of the prior suggestions was working for me either. But when I tried going all the way back to SW (rather than just Boralus), I also tried turned off War Mode. I’m not sure if it was the trip to SW or changing my War Mode status, but something worked that time. If you’ve tried everything else, try changing War Mode and see if that works. Hope this helps.


It was because warmode was on. I just turned it off and immediately I could hand in the quest


This worked for me, turned off Warmode and immediately was able to turn in quest. Crazy! Thanks for tip, you’re the real MVP!


I turned war mode off! That worked!! Thank you everyone for your help!

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I’m so glad i found this comment. This worked. I turned off warmode and it finally allowed turn in.,

Warmode def one of the issues as above turned it off and could hand in no issues at all

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War mode was the issue for me

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War Mode just had to be turned off for me too.

As previously mentioned… Blizz!! Why is it that this bug has been around for so long without a fix?

We shouldn’t have to jump through hoops just to turn in a quest.

In the words of Tim Gunn… “Make it work!”

I had this issue as well today. No matter what I did, I couldn’t get the option to turn in the quest until I turned off Warmode right in front of where you turn it in. Because you are in a safe/resting zone, you can turn warmode off there, but have to head back to Stormwind to turn it back on right after.