Hopping on and off the dragon seems to fix it for me. Games seems to get stuck thinking you’re dragon flying, pretty annoying.
Got this bug now and worked for me just switch characters
Well I came here to create a thread about this, but instead I suppose I’ll just lend my voice to the chorus. I hadn’t experienced the bug at all until today. Or at least I hadn’t noticed. I haven’t been hearthing or using flight paths much this expansion. If I hop on my dragon riding mount, fly any distance and then land it seems to correct it. Has to be actual flight, not just a jump.
what a jokeeeee load into an m0 and i get this !!!
just happened to me…very annoying bug. They really need to fix this before raids and mythic+ start this week.
As an update, I had a friend that we summoned to a dungeon while flying on the DF mount. He couldn’t strafe either after receiving the summon. He deleted the cache folder like I mentioned earlier and it fixed it for him as well. I’ve yet to experience it again after deleting my cache. I’ve just made it a point to not accept any summons while flying. Clearing the cache has resolved this since I posted that as a resolution.
There’s other options like logging into other characters, but that will only work until the next time you enter an instance. Clearing the cache seems to keep it fixed (unless you replicate the bug again).
Blizz really needs to determine what is causing the bug. We have a workaround, but since we can’t always predict when it’s going to happen, it can be gamebreaking. Having this happen during a timed key would be absolutely infuruating.
I am also having this issue. Straif no work.
Chiming in, I have this on my rogue and it sucks.
This is fkn terrible. How has this not been fixed already. Indie company.
/Reload helps solve this every now and again but Godamn it’s annoying lol.
Instanced content is unplayable because of this
Awesome find! I just ran into this issue and what you said works. Really obscure issue, so nice job catching a fix for it.
This is reaallly baaad. By the way, reload did not work. Went out of instance, mounted drake… unmounted to see it was fixed…but then was still not able to strafe after re-entering.
Thank you! Worked perfectly.
My strafe was broken as well. I mounted / dismounted on dragon riding drake, used vigor, dismounted while using updraft. I restarted wow and restarted battle.net and nothing worked. So I decided to character swap and that fixed it for now… Why does that work?? Please can we have this issue looked into more. It is frustrating to the players…
I dunno but I just tried hearthstone and I’m still unable to strafe.
relogging fixed it
I’ve had this bug several times and the dragon mount usually fixes it, but after a DC on takeoff it’s now permanently broken and unable to strafe at all. This is just absurd. My character is literally unplayable as a result.
Edit: Clearing cache and logging onto another toon fixed it. Not sure which of the two did the trick, but there ya go.
DC on takeoff as the trigger for me too, and after that the “fly and use Vigor” trick didn’t resolve it. Switching to another char and back did resolve it.
Known issue for 13 days and still no fix. It’s infuriating to know it’s been known for 13. days. What kind of amateurs are responsible for fixing this? If some players can fix it by logging out (I’m unfortunately not one of those), then it can’t be that complex to fix permanently. Get into the game blizz!!!
Delete your cache folder in Wowdirectory\Retail\ and you’ll be good. It’s worked for everyone I’ve known who’s tried that. I’ve been telling everyone, and I’ve never seen someone say it didn’t work.