Cannot stay connected... (WOW51900319)

I made a post on Facebook’s WoW page saying that I can’t stay connected to the game and I was advised to come here and post in the technical forum so I’m here. I can’t even play the game now. My computer was fine BEFORE the patch but now I cannot stay connected and keep getting a disconnect “WOW51900319” error. I’m not sure what to do at this point. I’ve updated my drivers and everything is current. My computer isn’t even a year old and the stats are MORE than good enough to run WoW. I would like to play the game but I can’t stay connected for more than 30 seconds before it kicks me off. So ANY suggestions would be appreciated. Thank you…

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Hey Rowe,

Sometimes patches can mess with addons and settings which might cause disconnections like this. The first thing I’d try would be to reset the UI and then give it another shot.

If that doesn’t help, are you playing on a wireless connection? If so maybe try switching to wired and plug into the router directly to see if that helps narrow things down.

Power cycling the network is also a good idea to refresh the connection.

I’m not sure if its a patch thing. I’ve had the same issue Rowe but its only at my home computers. if I take my laptop to an internet cafe or to work I can connect fine. Something definitely switched with verizon fios for me. I’ve tried resetting my ONT and my router, I’ve tried a wired connection as well. Im getting intermittent packet loss that is causing the game to disconnect. It also disconnects me from XBOX live, other online games, etc. Obviously not a fios forum but their support is awful so if anyone experienced this with Verizon and has a tip id love a suggestion.

Every ISP plays musical chairs with their routes, to “optimize” them. Whether this is to their benefit or the customer benefit is something that would have to be considered case-by-case.

My suggestion is to try a VPN from home, or change the DNS being used on the PC and even the router/modem if possible. This would at least give you the proof needed to confront the ISP.

I had this problem after logging into the new patch. As soon as I left Orgrimmar, I kept getting spam dc’d with this error. Resetting my router was all it took to fix it.

That was a fluke. This is a server issue. All of a sudden a ton of people are having the same issue? I have a 900bmps - 1GB internet speed and a $1,500 graphics card. This is NOT on my end. This is a pure SERVER issue that Blizzard needs to fix / patch. I have NO addons enabled and this only started happening after the 9.1 patch. Played in 9.05 flawlessly.


Moxxiie, the staff responded to thread you started, please continue troubleshooting there.

Let me know how it goes Dolomyte.

Just wanted to come back and touch base to let everyone know who responded that my issue has been resolved. Thank you to everyone that left a comment and a special thanks to Blizzard staff for helping me out. It is appreciated! :slight_smile:

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What was the resolution?

I’m still striking out, I even switched ISPs. I’ll have to create a ticket with wow support. everything else works fine. Including games like League of legends and everquest. There has to be a setting on my firewall at home network maybe?

I’ve gotten the same message. I was playing on another character, jumped off the hill in Korthia where the daily quests are. And then bam, disconnected. And anytime I log in I see my toon for a split second and get the same WOW51900319 code.

Funny thing is I can log on any other character on my account. Just not this one. I use the same addons across the board. Tried disabling them before even logging onto the stuck toon. Nothing is working.


I have the same problem. I cannot stay connected and keep getting a disconnect “WOW51900319” error.

The game is practically unplayable at this point. It persists even after all addons are disabled. Sometimes it disconnects at the login screen. This started two/three days ago for me.

I have tried two different internet providers, two different computers but the problem persists.

And I just got back to playing WoW like 5 days ago. Is this the universe trying to tell me something?

There is a fix here somewhere. I dont know what it is. Let’s try to identify common culprits. I can use the same ISP at a different location then my home, on worse internet, with a worse computer, and have no issues. At my house I only have a wifi connection. how about those of you still having issues. are you wifi or wired? 5ghz or 2.4?

So, by forcing my home network to 2.4ghz and not using 5ghz I was able to get an uninterrupted connection to WOW for a few hours. I am not sure why the higher speed network has been an issue since patch 9.1, but it makes sense as the other network I use is only 2.4ghz.

Oh this is interesting. We have 2 routers and one is 5 and the other is 2.4 and the 5 is the one my computer keeps defaulting to (because the room I play in gets a bad connection from the other for some weird interference reason). I wonder if that’s why I keep getting disconnected?

I have solved my disconnection issues by resetting the UI as outlined here.

I also have reinstalled all my addons after resetting the UI.

Thank you!