Cannot Start 10,000 Years of roasting quest line?

I am using BTWQuests to check and I have tried running the string code to check if I have started any of the quests in it at all and I haven’t. Part of the point says start by talking to Rumiastrasza and when I go there is nothing but chatter about the Ruby Feast. Am I missing something?

I’ve completed every other quest in Valdrakken, this is the last one based off of the quest journal I need to do.


Same with me as well

Experiencing this too

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Same here. Spent most the morning trying to figure it out. Even tried to farm the spicy lave spice with no luck. I know we’re supposed to get immersed and figure stuff out but this is just a waste and very frustrating.

Same here no quest given.

I think it’s like “A Bitter End” in that you have to wait for the weekly reset to progress it idk

At this time quest does not exist. My friends who has more renown than me tried but the bug continous. I guess we have to wait till tomorrow’s reset and season starts? Maybe the issue solves with that fix. Idk.

That quest you need 25 renown with Vandraken.

That is incorrect, I’m afraid. :slightly_smiling_face: I’m 11 renown with Valdrakken, and can pick it up:

If you lookup the quest on wowhead, it will tell you the same thing: it is a time-gated quest chain.

EDIT: That said, I was just able to pick up the 10,000 Years of Roasting Quest after the weekly reset. There was no follow up quest, so I’m inclined to believe it has weekly progression as well.

I also was able to complete this after the weekly reset.