Cannot Shift+Ctrl Click

Pretty much the title. Cannot open my azerite armor, view items in the dressing room, link items in the chat, or split stacks of items. I have tried many things to resolve the issue to no avail: resetting the UI, resetting keybinds to default, disable all addons, delete all addons, and reinstalling the entire client. Would really like to be able to have this resolved for me so I can put points into my azerite armor. Thank you!

Update: Have contacted a Blizzard GM about this and we were unable to resolve it, so I’m doing a callback tomorrow. Interestingly enough, this all works on my second account but not my first, or primary account. Is there a way we could perhaps switch accounts? My second account is f2p and my primary is upgraded to Shadowlands; is there a way this can be switched so my second account is Shadowlands and my primary account is f2p?

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I do suspect this is a UI issue, Murdawg - and from the way you described the steps you’ve taken, I don’t think you’ve really reset it.

That is a proper reset. All steps need to be done, in proper order, with nothing reinstalled prior to testing. See if that helps.


I did the proper reset, step by step. Closed WoW, uninstall all my addons, uninstalled the Twitch client, renamed the Cache, WTF, and Interface folders to CacheOld, WTFOld, and InterfaceOld accordingly. Then I relaunched the client, and I still cannot open my azerite armor, view things in dressing room, or split items into stacks.

I’d followup in the Tech Forum, or a tech ticket then - but honestly, what you are describing here are classic corrupted UI issues. You don’t need to uninstall addons, although if you have auto-updaters it is best to disable or uninstall those.


I don’t have auto-updaters as I update my addons manually. All my addons are tied into the Twitch client, which I have uninstalled. I will open a ticket in the tech forum and see if they can help. Thank you for the fast responses.

I would like to think these are the Elementary issues you guys are used to that can be solved conventionally, because believe me I was trying so hard to figure this out before I went to CS as a last resort. Researched for hours, and it seems like this issue was unique to me alone. I really hope you guys can figure it out!

It may sound weird, but when I’ve had issues like this it was because of a broken keyboard or a stuck key. There are websites that you can go to to see if you have a key stuck down or test all your keys. If you have a spare keyboard it can help you see if it’s the issue also.

Update: We got it fixed! So there was a problem with my bindings cache in my account folder (WTF < Account < [random numbers] < config-cache). We simply deleted that file, and logging in generated a new bindings cache! Apparently this can be done with resetting keybindings in game, but in some cases there will be a permission error that still persists even when doing the reset in-game. Deleting the bindings-cache (back-up to Desktop first just in case you try this) should fix the problem as the game generates a new WTF file when you log in. Hope this helps for people who have the same issue!

One important thing to mention: This WILL reset your keybindings, so you have to re-keybind everything, however it is much better to have to redo your keybinds than to not be able to even open your Azerite armor menus :wink:

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Having a similar issue. Excpet I cant shift click and split stacks. I have done all the steps above, including the solution the OP found. Still cant split stacks. I can ctrl click to view items in the dressing room. My shift clearly works as I am using it right now. Would love some feedback, Thank you.

Next time create your own post this thread is over a year old and necroing anything over a few months is a bad idea if the UI reset didnt work folow vrak advice and post in tech support.

I’m going to necro this thread one more time because I did have a similar situation to Moriarty and this is one of the first hits on google. I think resetting my key binds in game would have worked but I had character specific key bindings and didn’t want to reset all of my progress (for the 3rd time):

  • Go into your character specific file. (Open with Notepad++ or any text editor)

C:\World of Warcraft_classic_\WTF\Account\YOURACCOUNTNAME\YourServer\YourCharacterName\

  • At the bottom of all your key binds (which should seem normal) there will be a bunch of lines that say, “modifiedclick NONE SELFCAST, modifiedclick NONE SPLITSTACK, modifiedclick NONE DRESSUP, modifiedclick NONE ITEMCOMPARE… etc.”
  • Delete the lines similar to “modifiedclick NONE x” at the end of the file.

NOTICE: you should not be deleting things like bind 0 NONE, these are place holders that exist when you overwrite a key binding.

  • Save the wtf file.
  • Repeat for all affected characters.
  • Restart your game and all should be fine!

If I had to guess. One of our popular, beloved, addons is mistakenly overwriting these click modifier bindings.