Cannot select Anima Powers in Torghast

In Torghast I opened my Talent menu while having the menu to select a new Anima Power open.

It closed the Anima Power menu and upon coming to a new Anima Power selection node I get the error message in red text across the screen “You have an unselected choice already. Please select a choice to open a new one.”

As far as I can tell there isn’t any way to open the Anima Power selection menu to rectify this, if there is it is not explained.


Same. Used the item to turn a non elite into a anima power but it aggrod other mobs while i was choosing and closed the screen. Can’t find a way to pick the power so i can continue getting anima powers

Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Just read a post that you should disable all addons cause there is a screen click that is in the background to get back to the anima selection screen. So i disabled all addons, selected my anima ability and then reloaded addons in. I think weakauras was my problem so try just that one first if you dont want to disable all of them.


Same issue clicked the talent tree to check and cant reopen

There will be a little grey orb below your character that you can click on. I had this issue too, read this thread and then saw it 90% obscured by my action bars in my UI. I moved one, clicked it made choice and no issues.


thanks UI was covering it


This was behind my bars and I couldn’t see it. Needs to stand out more and be moveable.

Worked for me tyvm!

it was hiding behind my action bars. thanks for having your post up!

Thnx this helped