I cant see /1 or /3 channels in zones only in city’s im not sure what is going on but its only two characters.
Yes I have done this https://us.battle.net/support/en/article/9738 does not work
and I have tried to reset my user interface
It does not work nothing is happening when I do /join General
can someone help?
Looking for group is only one showing up and every other channel is grayed out but that one
Are you able to take a screen shot of it and post it here? You can upload it to a site like https://imgur.com/ and then just paste the link to the image here.
If you’re not able to post links yet, then you can put a ` on each side of the url and it should work.
I wonder if this has to do with the location of the character and not your UI. I can’t tell where your character is in that image, but for example, when I move my character to a class hall the option for Local Defense gets greyed out.
In that case I’d give the Full UI Reset another go. In that image you can see that you still have addons, so a Full UI Reset hasn’t been done as you’d be a completely stock UI with no addons.