Cannot remove Glyph of the Weaponmaster

I tried switching between arms and fury but the vanishing powder says that it has no active glyphs. Im not sure if this was removed or something, but it seems to only proc when recklessness from the legendary Signet of the Tormented Kings procs (does not work if I switch to fury and use recklessness).


Can confirm I have the same problem, recklessness from Signet of the Tormented Kings as Arms. unable to remove the glyph.


I’m having the same issue. In arms if you go to the spell tab under fury, There is 2 ranks of recklessness. The first rank is the ability and the second rank extends the duration. The first rank has the glyph on it but i can’t remove it any way that i’ve tried


I have the same problem. When spec’d Arms, I can look at the greyed-out Fury tab of my spell book and see multiple ranks of Recklessness (including one with Weaponmaster). If I use vanishing powder it gives me the static popup to confirm removal, but does nothing if I pick yes or no. When in Fury, I can’t see the rank of Recklessness with the glyph.


Have been looking, same issue on my Warrior when I am arms. Is there a way to look at ranks of spells? Blizz can you give us an answer to this?

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add /cancelaura weaponmaster to your bladestorm and avatar for a temporary fix