Cannot queue for Comp Stomp in a Group anymore?

Hey, thanks a ton for sharing this!

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THANK YOU! That worked! Bump bump

Battleground Blitz is supposed to be solo queue. It says in the tooltip, “Battle alongside members of both factions.” So it’s clearly intended as part of the matchmaking that no premades will take part. It will balance the teams by assigning factions.

The UI probably still has the ‘Join Battle’ button for Solo Shuffle assigned to Comp Stomp. I’m assuming it’s related to Blizz going in and manually changing the brawl schedule to compensate for the brawls that got skipped during the anniversary. Of course, those skips are only due to their own UI limitations which they have the power to change in order to prevent this from happening in the first place, but that doesn’t seem to be happening and this latest bug is most likely another consequence of kicking that can down the road instead of taking care of it.