Cannot queue for bgs

suuuuuuuure you did

And its still borked, thanks indie company!

hey I am farming more minuses than honor right now can you please fix

O wow its still going on Xd

Can confirm this is still going on. Please fix this!

its almost like this is still happening days later. oh wait thats exactly whats happening

still broken

still broken

Still broken Blizz…

Having the exact same issue. I’m on Herod also. Sometimes /console reloadui helps but lately that hasn’t even been working. I have tried First Available and specific AV’s that doesn’t help. Extremely frustrating. Seems like it begun after WSG hotfix.

This is still an ongoing issue, specific to Herod afaik. Please investigate this, Blizz.

did blizzard even acknowledge this as an issue yet? Sometimes I cant queue up for AV for 30-45mins at a time.

new day same problem at least i don’t pay to play this game…

Still broken plz fix

wait i think we do pay to play this game

still broken

@Blizzard still not giving a care about theyr Players. FIX THIS SH*** FFS

@blizzard help

please address this issue

Hmmm, sounds like when they broke the queue and xp off players in retail could never get in… hopefully yours will at least get fixed. Good luck.

Inb4 whiteknights show up to yell at paying customers for “crying.”