Cannot put sockets on pvp necklace








next expac ;d


Oh God, I am now in the same boat as the other people who get the response to ticket “It’s fixed!” but in reality it is not fixed at all.


Yea it’s absolutely ridiculous it’s been over a week and they have done not a single thing to fix it, and putting a ticket in is completely useless. I ended up buying the exact same necklace and was able to add 3 sockets to it. Thanks blizz for making me waste 550 conquest and having two of the exact same items but one is completely bricked and can’t have sockets added to it.


Yea it’s absolutely ridiculous it’s been over a week and they have done not a single thing to fix it, and putting a ticket in is completely useless. I ended up buying the exact same necklace and was able to add 3 sockets to it. Thanks blizz for making me waste 550 conquest and having two of the exact same items but one is completely bricked and can’t have sockets added to it.

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Bump!! More than 5 charters, bump, bump, bump…

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Still broken. It’s been longer than a week.

Still bugged 8 days later… Bumptity bump bump

Why do I have a feeling this just flat out won’t get fixed. Sounds like those who bought again this week didn’t have the same problem?

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I bought the bullet and bought a 2nd neck this week and it worked fine, I clicked on tiered medallion to make sure it wasn’t greyed out and sure enough it wasn’t, two necklaces the exact same but could only put sockets on the new one I purchased. A complete waste of 550 conquest that could have got me another piece, and I imagine with conquest cap being removed next tuesday they won’t be bothered to fix it.

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because blizzard is sitting around ignoring us hoping we stop talking about it


I think you’re correct, I won the same neck piece in vault a week later (was the only selection available) and was able to socket it… Not the same as buying the piece but given my vault items weren’t enchantable the week it was bugged, I’m guessing the issue is resolved for new items :confused:

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Exactly this, removing conq cap appears to be their solution to a few things.

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Exactly what I was thinking, normally it would be a couple more weeks out before they remove the conquest cap but they’re removing it next reset, which leads me to believe that they’re removing the conquest early because they can’t/can’t be bothered to fix this bug.

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bump, super annoying -.-

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Still bugged on current reset :slight_smile:

At least conq cap is removed this week I guess…

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