Cannot progress in Heart of Azeroth Quest


I have completed the quest chain for Heart of Azeroth up to “Infusing the Heart” and thus my predicament begins! I did not receive the quest “The Speaker’s Imperative.” And instead, I recieved the quest to speak to his brother. Unfortunately, I am not able to do that, as Zandalar is LOCKED to me. I cannot for the life of me figure out what I’ve done wrong or NOT done, and it is frustrating me to no end.


I am locked out of BFA questline, and I cannot progress, nor do I have any idea how to progress.


Their level requirements to continue are very HIGH, try to get to level 25 and see if anything opens up. If that doesn’t work, at least you’ll get access to Drustvar.

Exact same issue here except it has nothing to do with minimum level as my affected character is 50 (Alliance Warlock that just dinged 50 today) I did not receive the quest “The Speaker’s Imperative” after completing “Infusing”. Now I cannot enter the Chamber of the Heart and am locked out of almost all BFA quests as well. Worked fine for my Horde Demonhunter who hit 50 earlier this week…

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There’s a few other large threads on this issue. I dinged 50 yesterday on my alliance character and ran into this. I can get the HoA but the quest chain to do questing into BFA isn’t there.

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Perusing the other threads, seems limited to Alliance.

I don’t know why my character is my level 10, LMAO, I have 3 level 50’s. But yeah, my Demon Hunter got the Boralus quest, but my Druid didn’t even get the automatic quest, Hour of Reckoning.

Edit: My sister made a DAMN good point, that because Anduin got kidnapped, that might be why you can’t continue the BFA questline. It’s a big MAYBE, but, it’s the only answer I can see that makes sense.

Not limited. Stuck on horde characters too.

I think you need to do the Nazjatar Questline to continue it.

quest tides of warr to start bfa is bugged and completely gone thats why u cant proggress heart quest

it has nothing to do with andiun got kidnapped cause it worked all fine until they had that hotfix thats what broke it

kay little update here i maded a a human warlock i did the exile’s Reach and did NOT SKIP the stormwind tour and that gave me the tides of war quest to go to bfa lolll

The Nazjatar Questline is blocked. Can do NO quests that progress the story in BFA.

cause to unlock everything in bfa u need to do 1 quest called Tides of warr and that 1 is missing for everyone

Also experiencing this issue, on 2 characters that leveled within the last few days. My older character had no issues.