Cannot log into main character loads to 80%

I’m not to sure what’s caused this but, I cannot log into my main character on wow. It loads to 80%, 100% or says character with that name already exists. I’ve already tried logging into all my other characters which all work. I’ve tried scanning and repairing, removing the interface, wtf and cache folders & will still only load to 80%. & I’ve tried using the self server character unstuck thing. Still no success.
Its only happening on one character and I haven’t been able to log on all day. At this point im not sure what else to do.

I have no addons or anything installed.

Character name is Gambittxd-Area52

It usually means the server has not recognized you as disconnected, and should usually time out on it’s own. If you are on cooldown for a self service stuck service it should let you put in this web ticket, you might have to scroll down to see if, but it should go to:

I’ve been waiting all day and still nothing. Most of the time it just loads to 80% and shows nothing i have to alt f4. I’ve also submitted a ticket.