I got the same problem, says its connecting then it fails.
I just got in! Keep trying guys!
Same error for me. Multiple attempts to log in, but no luck.
They are aware of the issue and are looking in to it as per twitter
Let me in.
No, raid was in an hour. At present, well… things happen.
It may be fixed. I couldnt log in for a while with the same issue described above. I haven’t done anything about it, and now I can log in.
From Twitter:
We’re currently investigating an issue affecting our authentication servers, which may result in failed or slow login attempts.
Having the same issue, says server is full, queue for <1 min, shows connecting and then disconnect with “You have been disconnected. (BLZ51903006)”
We had an issue where players could not login. This was resolved and is recovering now.
Thank you.
A post was split to a new topic: Rossclot - Disconnection Errors