Cannot interact with ducks for "Others call me duck herder" quest

Hi. As the title says, I cannot interact with the ducks to feed them for completion of the ‘Others call me duck herder’ quest. I was able to complete the first quest in the series, ’ Some Call Me Bug Catcher’ and Gracus gave me the quest to feed the ducks. Go to the area where the ducks are and I can see them. They’re highlighted like quest objectives, but when I mouse over them, nothing. Right or left click on them, nothing. I’ve tried reloading the UI, logging out and logging back in, exiting WoW completely and restarting the program, as well as disabling all add-ons; nothing. Checked to see if I did the quest on this character:

/run print(C_QuestLog.IsQuestFlaggedCompleted(70069))

And that returned false.

Not sure where to go from here.


Exact same thing here. Tried everything. Can see them, can right click on duck portrait, but can’t feed or interact with any of the ducks.

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I found the solution. Cancel the quest and get the Duck that jumps off the rock first to avoid the bug.


His name…is…Pilot.

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I was having the same issue as well! BUT i went back to redo the quest. What I did first was pet PILOT first. It worked. Maybe the whole point was to rescued the one who likes to jump…

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Disgusting this is still bugged over a year later.

same problem for me. bumping this to show that this is still bugged as of the war within prepatch


same here…Trying to get Loremaster and this is the 2nd bug preventing me

How do you pet the duck cause I can’t even do that. Other than /pet

As others have stated, this is still bugged. You need to get the duck on the rock (pilot) first.

I’m super new so maybe this goes without saying, but even if you get Pilot first, if you get interrupted feeding any of the ducklings, they become un-interactable :frowning:

This worked for me. (12-30-24)