Cannot find my serial number for Battlenet app

Where do you locate your serial number for your Auth App ?

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On Android it’s in the extra menu (3 dots), and then you click Serial etc.

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what about if you have an iphone? i can not locate this serial number either…

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Should be the same place. Menu button > serial.

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I figured it out. On iPhone open the Authenticator:
-Open the slide out menu by tapping the icon at the top left of your screen.
-Tap on Authenticator
-Tap on the settings cog icon
-Tap on Serial & Restore Codes
-Go to Battle. net/security/authenticator/attach/mobile Account and type the Serial Number in Green.
-Go back in the Authenticator to get the manual code.
-You’ll be prompted to sign into the Authenticator app (twice?)
-Process is complete