Cannot explore temple of the red crane in pandaria remix

I am doing the Chen stormstout’s keg reward achievement for karasang wilds.
The last step is for me is to explore the temple of the red crane.

The achievement is bugged and not giving me credit no matter what I do.
How i make sure I get the reward before remix ends? I put in a ticket and they asked me to post a bug report here because they cant do anything on their end.

Do you have a coordinate addon like TomTom? If so can you confirm you’ve plugged this in and gone to this area on your character:

/way Krasarang Wilds 40 55 Temple of the Red Crane

I recommend using an old flying mount rather than a dragon-riding mount, MOP was coded 14 years ago and the sub-zones are so small you can pass out of them faster than the game can register your presence in the sub-zone.

Yes I have,
Its a bug apparently. The GM that responded to my ticket mentioned they have gotten several reports of similar issues and they do not have a workaround.
Its the GM that asked me to post a bug report on the forum

You can also do the Krasarang Wilds campaign to receive the transmog instead. It’s only 5 chapters, so pretty quick to complete compared to the other zones.

thanks thats good to know.
I didint wanna do something long considering this is the only thing left for me

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Unfortunately the state of Blizzard’s customer service is not good anymore and the ‘this is a bug’ is a common brush-off response that may not be accurate. It could indeed be a bug, but I just wouldn’t assume it’s true because the GM claimed this. Also, unfortunately, they probably won’t fix a bug that isn’t affecting most players.

I just took a Remix character to those coordinates and earned the exploration credit. I came from the north and actually got it around /way Krasarang Wilds 41.2 46.1 before hitting the suggested waypoint. Unless you’ve exhausted your patience trying to find the right spot to get exploration credit I would keep at it, because I doubt it will be fixed.