I’m at the entrance to Blackwing Descent, and I can see the portal there, but it does not work. If I change it to heroic/mythic it does not change to a skull. When I walk into the portal I just stop at an invisible wall. There is no error text displayed on-screen on in-chat.
I am not locked to it.
I have tried being in a raid group. I have exited the game and restarted.
Any suggestions?
I’m getting the same bug. I’m pretty sure it has to do with the wrathi quest line
Same problem here, and I figured the same thing you did, that it’s related to the wrathion quest chain. Haven’t finished it yet so I can’t confirm or refute the hypothesis.
Same issue here on my side as well…
Its Because of the Wrathion Questline most likely
Relogging fixed the issue for me
I died when I entered and wasn’t able to port back in. I noticed a message in the chat log:
Unable to zone in while an encounter is in progress.
Relogging did not help.
Abandoning the quest and reacquiring did not help either.
Update: I just realized I was trying to enter Blackwing Lair, not Blackwing Descent.
For those that can’t remember all the entrances to the numerous dungeons and raids in this accursed mountain, the entrance to Blacking Descent is on the east side of the outside of the mountain, halfway up, right on the border of the Searing Gorge and the Burning Steppes.
I just had this problem today and I had that quest chain completed it and went back and was able to do raid.
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Just tried an sure enough - the more layers to the game the harder it is to play and figure out.
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If you are on the bfa legendary cloak quest, it will interfere with bwd, so either complete it, or drop it (dropping may not work, but completing will take you maybe 10 min if you’re 70)
Its not saying it would be overly difficult. It’s more an issue of all the layers and phasing and deleted quests you didn’t even know you were on. Things have become a hot mess and even support cant help you figure it out often.