Cannot continue quest "Choose Your Purpose"

Interesting, thank you for that info.

So how are we supposed to progress to get flying if they wont respond to this thread and the in game ticket responses are trash. I reported it and was told in my report that it was fixed but i still cant click on the table.


I dont know what quest did it or if something was add in the pre-patch that just came out but all of a sudden I can fly in the SL zones and I still have not completed choosing a Cov. So not sure what happened there.

I have done all the zone storyline quests as far as I can without being able to choose the cov though so maybe that did it?

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+1 here completed the quest chain, can not interact with the map to choose a covenant


Another one here, the quest cannot be completed. I have tried everything from restarting the game with and without addons, relogging into the game with and without addons, even leaving and re-entering the zone with and without addons.

The table is highlighted, but cannot be interacted with in the way the quest tells you to, thus, a covenant cannot be selected.

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same lazy canned response i got. what a joke. like we are stupid and didn’t check kindergarten level technology. my 5 yo knows to reboot and stuff. i swear the people they hire for the call/ tech help center.


Tried again today and still can’t access. I guess ChatGPT Blizz support lied.


Same, I hop in and try again before I go about my dailies and still nothing.

Waiting on a reply to me sending them the URL to this discussion.

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Bump. Had this same issue for a few days now tried all suggestions still no luck.


Admit I’ve had trouble in the past getting started with alts in Shadowlands, but I had an alt that just hit 60 and he had no problem at all choosing a Covenant. Possible that having a main that completed the SL startup grind couple years ago may have helped.

In this toon’s case he waited till hitting 60, went to the SL intro questgiver outside Stormwind Keep, elected to skip full startup, was sent to Oribos, met there by NPC that let him select his path. Took Threads of Fate option (had to type in “FATE” to confirm), got sent to Tal’inara and no problem selecting a Covenant.

Wondering if having a main that’s completed that long and annoying grind and has a Covenant is a requirement now.


+1 here for an alt I elected to run through the campaign with my hubby for his first time (I had completed previously, and have used threads of fate on other toons. It appears this issue is with doing the campaign). Neither of us can use the map table to select covenant. Posted about it here:


Also impacted by this quest bug.


i don’t think so because i have completed the long grind on another toon of mine and i have 7 toons. its just this last toon that i was going around and completing story lines on all expansions before twwi hits, and this happened. its definitely a bug.

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Just reporting im also having this issue

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just got a response from them they said it was “fixed since last patch” well clearly it has not. i reported it again and there are two bug reports now. i posted both of them in my ticket as well. hopefully someone will actually read our comments and fix the issue instead of using canned responses that they sent to all of us and gaslighting us into thinking it was fixed when in fact it has not.

i have tried every few hours for the last few days.
-no addons
-leaving the zones ( completely leaving shadowlands)
-reload UI / Reload game
-try to abandon the quest

  • nothing works at all period.
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+1 been tuck on this quest for days. They said its been fixed with latest patch but it has not.

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Bump. I’m also having this issue.

My guildmate found a solution that worked for me:

  1. Set Hearthstone to Oribos.

  2. Go to your capital city and talk to Chromie. Choose Shadowlands timeline

  3. Use Hearthstone back to Oribos.

  4. You should be able to interact with the table to choose a Covenant.

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Fixed on today’s reset!



Checking now, thanks for the heads up.

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